View Full Version : Photographer Schedule. What about Video Schedule?
Paul Hildebrandt September 19th, 2011, 03:56 PM So as cinematic videos become more popular, many wedding Videographers including myself are not just in the background, we stage shots to get all the artsy cool stuff that the clients want.
One huge problem I have though is that we never have a set time to get these things done. We have to work around the photographer's schedule to get the staged shots that we want. So my question is, is it now necessary to have a set time for video shots only, do you communicate this with your clients and tell them in order to get these shots you need a guaranteed amount of time and get put on the official itinerary, or do you just try to interrupt the photographer and get those shots that you need during the time allotted for pictures?
Aaron Mayberry September 19th, 2011, 06:05 PM "We require 15 minutes of video-only time to get some of the shots you've seen in our other videos, it can be after the photo session or during/right after dinner (if it's a good venue to shoot at."
We've found that right after dinner usually gives us really nice golden hour footage, with nice natural lighting.
Couples don't know this stuff unless you tell them! You must tell them early AND often!
Chris Harding September 19th, 2011, 06:22 PM I always do a video shoot on stedicam with the couple only and I not only tell them but also make sure that the photog knows that I will need the couple for 15 minutes or so!! Once they get their teeth into the couple after the congratulations outside the Church it's tough to convince them to let go !! They seem to think that they own the bridal party from then until the reception so it's also advisable to tell them early!!!
For me it's a trade-off ...gimme the bride and groom for 15 minutes and then I'll leave you alone for the rest of the photoshoot!!
Yeah, communication is essential not only with the bride but also with others that want her!!
Art Varga September 20th, 2011, 10:45 AM I do the same thing- ask for 15 minutes. Sometimes I only get 5 but at least it's something. Also take advantage of the gaps in the photoshoot when the photog may be switching cameras or waiting for someone to get in some quicker setup shots. I've found that most of the photographers like shooting when we're doing our setup shots too. Gives them something different to work with.
Sigmund Reboquio September 20th, 2011, 11:16 AM I used to beg for time before. then I stopped caring coz here in Bay Area, photography is still the priority for them. (based on my experience)
Last weekend, I was told by the photog that they are the priority, so we have to get away from their i didnt have any choice, (the bride actually told me the same thing).
i used to super beg and fight for my creative time. it never happens. so, I stopped asking for it. but if they ask for it during the wedding, Im game, and they will get that on their feature because that is my stlye. most couples actually look for me during the wedding, coz they wanted to have the same ones on my site.
its ok for me, coz in the end, we outcomment/outhype the photos on FB and review sites : )
so i guess, if they want it, they have to spend time with you -- its a plus.
if they are too busy with photos, then its ok too : )
Keith Betters September 20th, 2011, 12:25 PM I Declare War on photographers, bridal parties and father time. Lol, no I'm just kidding, but may I just add that this will be a never ending battle that will be the case as long as you shoot weddings. When trying to get creative shots, your up against alot of factors.
First: You must stress at the time of booking the time that you need to create shots that they see in other videos. I tell them if I'm not afforded the time then I can not gaurantee the product to look like others I've done. I also tell them to tell their bridal party to be mindful of the time for the photographer & videographer. Alot of times it is not the bride or groom, but members of the bridal who cop attitudes and are bitching & complaining about having to do some of the shots that we ask. I've had some ask "What's the purpose of this" and one time one of the groomsman even said "This is stupid". So I now tell them to shoot an email to the bridal party to prepare them for the time we need.
Second: Yes the photographers have been my biggest challenge. They always act like they run the entire session. I actually had one tell me just to shoot over his shoulder, because thats what other videographers do. Then I had another one tell me that I need to move because I was getting in his shot eventhough we both were getting shots at the same time. Here's the the thing to remember communication is key. I try to tell the photographer when I get there the time that I need, and that my style is more creative so I need time to set up my shots. I think its about 50/50. Some are understanding and respect that we are both paid to do a job. Some are not and they almost give off the attitude every man for himself.
Third: Time. Many times I am the last vendor booked for an event, so the times are already set. I have to work with the times they have already. Most times they only alot 30-45 minutes between the ceremony and reception. This means that me and the photographer have to split that time, but in most cases the photographer gets majority of it. This is even worse compounded by the fact that about 75% of weddings I do, do not start on time. One wedding I was doing 2 weeks ago, my session was cut short because the limo driver said he had to go for another pickup so they had to leave immediately. Another wedding 3 weeks ago, the coordinator at the venue was by the book and he was adamant about doing the formal introduction on time, so that cut us a little short too.
So, I say all this to say, they are alot of moving parts at a wedding. Its best to stress to them the time you need, but expect only half of that. Also, be flexible and do the shots that you really want first, so if your time get cuts short that your happy with what you got. And last but not least is communication, early and often. Also let me add, try your best to be cordial with photographers because alot of times you will have to work with them over and over again.
Sigmund Reboquio September 20th, 2011, 01:50 PM Hi guys i just wanted to follow thru my response with an email from the groom just now:
"You guys did an amazing job, we really didn't even notice you were there! I felt badly that Lauren may have pushed you guys aside a bit ... I know that the photography was really really important to her - so I really hope you guys didn't feel marginalized. Frankly I'm more excited about seeing your product than the still photos!"
see- we haven't even showed anything yet to him. but he has seen our work so he is actually looking forward to it : )
Michael Simons September 20th, 2011, 03:47 PM The most important shots for me are the bridal prep so I usually arrive a few hours before the photog. When the bride schedules a big gap in between the ceremony and reception for the photog, it usually costs the bride overtime to keep me to the end of the night.
Jawad Mir September 20th, 2011, 05:30 PM I agree with a lot of you about photography being important to most clients but honestly that has changed for us drastically in past 2 years. Either clients give it equal importance or more.
I strongly feel if everyone's sales pitch is strong and gives the idea of importance to the bride/groom (which it must), there will be few who will not book but most like that attitude. That's one of the reasons photographers have upper hand other than the fact that people prefer photos more.
And on top of that you have to present yourself strongly to the photographer. Not that you insult him/her but start off with a friendly vibe, chit chat and then propose working together and you be surprised how that works in your favor.
There is no better solution than being friendly.
As far as schedule goes, I don't think any of us change our style because couple wants to and it's in demand. If you believe that's your style stick to it. We to the contrary simply have a candid approach and don't like to pose anyone for any shots and people ask us and we turn them down. So stick to your style and don't give in because competition is doing it or people want you to do it.
Tim Bakland September 20th, 2011, 09:26 PM I ruthlessly and shameless piggy-back on the photographers' set up and shoots. :) They don't mind because I give them full credit on my websites and preview pages -- so it's a win-win.
I've found -- at least in my market -- that the photographers are on the whole very talented and able. It's too much for me to expect the couple to have yet another time-slot to add in just for me. And even if they were willing, it would be a constant tension between me/coordinator/photographer. I'd rather just bank on the photographer's nice set ups, fit a few shots in between theirs (as Art said), (lots the shots we would like to set up as videographers fit in with what photographers are doing -- and the ones they don't think of I can easily squeeze in in between without needing a separate time slot). And, other than that, I'm too busy getting candid shots that aren't set up.
Jason McDonald September 21st, 2011, 08:43 PM Here in Japan, photographers are given priority. I work as a minister for these weddings (Sometimes 6 a day, it's really a business here). Photographers usually get to know the couple with a pre-shoot (After the bride/groom have been fitted for their dress/suit...almost always done in house...the photography and video are usually also in house). The couple rarely get to know the cinematographers. I've done 1000's of weddings where I've seen the photographer get in and tap the shoulder of the video guy, and gesturing to 'Get out of my way!' and they do. I have a good relationship with both groups. They both seem to know their place. Video can get away with more where the photographers can't.
This is Japan though and they don't have the same quality video that other countries have. It's almost crazy what get's passed on for a SDE. My mother who has never used a HD camera could do the job. It's insane, but apparently it's the very 'generic' look that the couples want...apparently. I've shown videos via Vimeo and they all respond the same "I don't think we could pull that off."
As for my opinion on the photo vs video and whether or not there should be time for video only:
I think both sides have their stories of 'photo is better and in the end longer lasting' and 'video is better, and in the end longer lasting'. I know photographers (Being one myself) that constantly complain about 'in the way video'. A wanna be cinematographer, I hear the same about photographers. Working together with the photographer or cinematographer is important IMO. It's not your day, it's the bride/grooms day. Pissing them off by hearing you got in the way of someone else's job isn't good.
If anyone, photographer, cinematographer or any other service they have hired need time alone, set that in stone with them before hand and make sure they understand why. If they say 'This takes priority' then make it known but don't be too proud to allow the photographer in on some alone time. If it's the other way around, don't be too proud to ask the photographer for some alone time.