View Full Version : Is there a problem with CF export and AE CS5.5 on OSX SL ?

Anmol Mishra
September 19th, 2011, 06:48 AM
I have OSX SL. And trying the AE CS5.5 trial due to the warp stabilizer.
I rendered out a 1 min sequence from AE to CF (75% quality). After hours of waiting, I open the file and the entire footage has artifacts.

I have attached the file and opened a CF support request.

Prores renders are not an issue. Just wondering if any AE CS5.5 have had issues with CF.

David M. Cole
September 19th, 2011, 02:37 PM
I was getting same result out of AF CS5.5 and was given this (successful) strategy by Cineform support:

"Do you need the alpha channel? If not, try exporting just 4:4:4. That seems to be working okay in our recent tests....

If you do need alpha, make sure that 4:4:4 is not checked and 4:4:4:4 is checked. If you have them both checked, that will cause a problem."

Works for me.

Anmol Mishra
September 19th, 2011, 07:50 PM
YES/ The 4:4:4 options fixed the problems.
Works well now.

I just wish that CF setup and gotchas for each NLE were stickied so we stop wasting our time.