Randy Johnson
September 17th, 2011, 11:15 PM
I have always used good ole fashioned Anton/Bauer lights mainly because I was afraid that LED would give my AG-HMC 150 enough light to do weddings. Well today I was kind of in a bind I had 2 bookings without really enough gear to cover them (battery wise) to in a pinch I picked up this cheap light at my local camera shop. Promaster (http://www.promaster.com/products/products.asp?product=7200) I figured if it worked great if not I could use it as a light for my home videos at christmas etc. Well it did a great job I had to push the gain a little more than I liked and I still used my anton/bauer for the main stuff (entrance toast etc) but dancing, Table shots and interviews were great and if the specs are true the comer SHOULD put out about 4 times more light than this baby so I am really looking forward to my new lights!