View Full Version : DVBody Crane?

Hawood Giles
August 26th, 2005, 04:26 PM
Anyone familiar with the DVBody Crane at ? The crane functions of this device are appealing, but I'm wondering how it stacks up STABILITY-WISE when compared with a Steadycam, or SteadyTracker?

I've seen no online reviews of this unusual device, so if anyone out there owns one, I'd like to hear what you think.

Curious, I remain ---


Tom Wills
August 26th, 2005, 06:28 PM
Those things quite simply will not have the stabilizing potential of a Steadicam, but they may come somewhat close to a SteadyTracker. The Steadytracker seems better engineered though.

Each has it's own real use. The DVBody Crane is for handheld crane moves. The SteadyTracker is for basic stabilization, in a handheld manner, and the Steadicam series is an incredible series of camera stabilizers, that are so much more than the SteadyTracker can be.

Dean Harrington
September 8th, 2005, 05:52 PM
Such a thing is an interesting idea. I've seen other body cranes out there that seem to be more completely developed.

Hawood Giles
September 9th, 2005, 03:58 PM
Anyone familiar with the DVBody Crane at ? The crane functions of this device are appealing, but I'm wondering how it stacks up STABILITY-WISE when compared with a Steadycam, or SteadyTracker?

I've seen no online reviews of this unusual device, so if anyone out there owns one, I'd like to hear what you think.

Curious, I remain ---

HG Tom and Dean-

Thanks for your input on the DVBody Crane. I've decided to put on hold the idea of getting this device, until I've looked around for something to compare it with. Dean: you say there are other Body Cranes? I'm aware of the tripod mounted Cranes, but haven't seen anything comparable to the DVBody Crane. My primary misgiving about the DVBody Crane is the amount of unusable footage it's apt to produce with starting and stoping, and perhaps lateral panning when extended. Otherwise, I like the concept of a lightweight crane.

Still curious, but ... On Hold for moment.

James Emory
November 18th, 2005, 09:21 PM
Here is a jib that is worn like a Steadicam rig.

Body Boom

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