View Full Version : X2 gain question

Tony Newman
September 15th, 2011, 11:08 PM
I'm new to setting up my camera (EX1R) to a Chroma DuMonde Chart. While watching Robert Goodman's video on the DSC Lab's char, he mentions to set the vectorscope to X2 gain. Does ScopeBox have a X2 function? I can't seem to find it. Again, I'm clueless to setting up my camera using the Chroma Dumonde chart. I have a 3 camera shoot coming up and I'd like to know how to align them. This video link explains the X2 gain question.

Robert Goodman on DSC Labs CamAlign Charts - YouTube (

Thanks for any insight.

Colin McFadden
September 16th, 2011, 07:36 AM
Hi Tony - Version 2 didn't have a 2x gain, but version 3 (currently in beta) does, specifically for that purpose. Shoot me an email at and tell me a bit more about your setup (how you're connecting the camera, etc) and we may be able to get you in on the beta.


Tony Newman
September 16th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Hey Colin, from what I can find out, my only option is to go out the HDV output on the EX1R to my Mac Book Pro Firewire port. The other two cameras I'll be working with is the Canon 5D and 7D. I'm not sure what outputs these cameras use.

I should mention I downloaded the trial version of ScopeBox. My plan is to avoid buying a

Thanks for any help,