View Full Version : Group Track feature - another hidden Vegas feature

Magnus Helander
September 15th, 2011, 08:19 AM
Been using Vegas since v4 and not once have I used the Group Track feature.
Until today that is. Very handy feature to manage tracks when the timeline starts to fill up.

Ctrl-click a number of tracks to select them, then right-click and choose Group tracks.
Selected tracks can now be collapsed/hidden and expanded . Very nice. Screenshot attached.

Mike Kujbida
September 15th, 2011, 08:38 AM
I used it on a recent project (12 or more tracks on top of one event) and it was definitely a welcome tool.

Ian Stark
September 15th, 2011, 08:57 AM
Agreed. Very useful feature for managing large numbers of tracks. Would be even more useful if there was also a 'group track FX' function, even if it was only to enable/disable all effects on tracks within the group rather than being able to add new effects to a group.

Multiple video busses. That would be nice . . . ;-)

Mike Kujbida
September 15th, 2011, 09:07 AM
Multiple video busses. That would be nice . . . ;-)

Great idea Ian!!
Maybe Sony will think so too.
Sony Creative Software - Support - Product Suggestion (

Ian Stark
September 15th, 2011, 09:11 AM
Already done! Two years ago? Three? No harm in resubmitting I guess! Thanks Mike.

Mike Kujbida
September 15th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I've been asking for a new titler for a lot longer and I'm still waiting :(
BTW, I don't consider the ProType titler to be anything even close to what we all want.

Jeff Harper
September 15th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Re: the titler, the new titler is alleged by sony to be improved. I have never once used the current one, disliked it immensely from it's introduction. I hope the newer version if more of what we are looking for.

Magnus Helander
September 15th, 2011, 10:28 AM
ProType is definitely alien to the Vegas environment. Tried to use it once. Incomprehensible.

Conspiracy theory on the missing EDL and any kind of useful import/export functionality (which does not make sense) , how about this;
Sony works closely with professional broadcast vendors (Avid, GrassValley, etc..) who provide editing systems and/or hardware.

Sony need pro vendors to support their latest codecs and cameras- else you can't work with the gear. So, Avid could say something like - 'You want *us* to spend time to implement support for *your* new product/codec XYXY in our systems and then handle all the initial bugs and related mess?" Sony goes "Yes please, you will sell mucho software, promise".,

Vendor says - "But your are competing with us with your own editing platform, we not make mucho dollar." Sony would then reply -"No no, we would never do that, Vegas will remain a enthusiasts choice and we will never enter pro broadcast with that product." Vendor says OK and drafts a change request for the software developers to support XYXY.

Makes sense?


David Johns
September 15th, 2011, 11:20 AM
Would be even more useful if there was also a 'group track FX' function. Multiple video busses. That would be nice.

Agreed to both! (though adding FX to a track group would get around needing video busses in some circumstances so if I had to choose one, Group Track FX it would be)
