View Full Version : What's the difference between ENG and EFP lenses?

Xander Christ
August 26th, 2005, 02:11 PM
I was asked this question and I didn't have an answer other than the obvious different lenses for different markets, but can anyone tell me what the technical difference is between an ENG (Electronic News Gathering) and EFP (Electronic Field Production) lens? The only thing I notice is that EFPs tend to have longer zooms.

Jerry Mohn
August 27th, 2005, 09:12 AM
Canon feels the differences between ENG and EFP lenses are great enough to have different lines labeled accordingly.

Fujinon refers to the lens as ENG style without the emphasis on EFP other than to mention it once in the name.

Xander I would say you are headed in the right direction, ENG looks to be more ergonomic related to the type of work and the EFP Canon looks to be more precise. The zoom controller looks to be a different animal as well as the focal length.

I would email Fuji and ask what the differences are because it seems pretty clear to Canon that there is a difference.