View Full Version : Premiere Pro CS5.5 (5.5.1) update is available

Todd Kopriva
September 12th, 2011, 07:01 PM
The Premiere Pro CS5.5 (5.5.1) update is available. Details of the bugs fixed are here (

After you've installed the update, let us know how it works for you.

Brian Parker
September 13th, 2011, 05:32 AM
No love for CS5? That's a lot of bug fixes that must also apply to CS5. There really isn't all that much difference between the versions.

Pete Bauer
September 13th, 2011, 07:18 AM
Maybe not on the surface but if you follow specific issues, it becomes clear that a lot of the code does change and Adobe have made it clear that they put their resources into current versions and tend to limit updates of old versions to critical security issues.

A good example of things not being as easy as they may seem is the MXF bug. Adobe was up front with customers that it would not be fixed in CS5 because it was so deep in the code, whereas the affected components were completely replaced in CS5.5. So no love for CS5. I discussed this a bit in my article:

A Spring Surprise from Adobe: CS5.5 at (

In that same article, I did an estimate of costs of keeping software up to date and skipping versions. Unless one's finances are truly on the razor's edge, to me it doesn't seem worth the minimal savings to skip versions. For the little extra, you get the latest features...and more love.

Brian Parker
September 13th, 2011, 10:59 AM
It's beginning to feel like I'd get a bit more love if they had stuck with the 18 month release cycle. Lets see how they price CS6.

Steve Kalle
September 14th, 2011, 02:34 AM
I am in agreement with Brian. I tried 5.5 but dumped it because it had more bugs than CS5 and was completely unusable with my BM Decklink Extreme 3D cards. It makes absolutely no sense to wait several months before bugs are fixed and then you have only a few more months left before Adobe dumps support for your $2500 suite of software when the next version is released. From my standpoint, this move to 12 month cycles was done only to boost revenue by selling more upgrades AND reduce the amount of time spent supporting their software.

I love my CS5 but there are many bugs still. I can't use CS5.5 because of what I said earlier about the major problems with BM cards. On my 12-core Z800 with Quadro GPU, I can't get playback when a gaussian effect is applied to a DPX sequence and the effect is at zero. Same thing with other effects applied but set to zero. Playback is also crap when using a PNG sequence. My 24 CPU threads barely move so it is obviously software related.

Maybe if Adobe could release software that worked in a professional environment from day one, then many of us wouldn't have a problem with upgrading.

PS I normally defend Adobe as much as I can, but I am extremely frustrated today because I tried playing back a DPX sequence exported from AE into Premiere with a simple custom effect applied and my client is sitting there and wondering why its not working.

Brian Parker
September 14th, 2011, 06:45 AM
Agreed. I am a strong Adobe supporter in terms of the money I keep plonking down for it, and the nice things I say about it to those around me. However, my reason for not upgrading was simply that it wasnt a very compelling upgrade, and I simply can't afford to keep upgrading to every release. I'd say that it would be fair to say that most Adobe (and other) software released come with it's fair share of bugs and far from polished new features. I don't believe it's a cynical marketing conspiracy or anything like that, just a poor attitude towards it's users to only give us about 6 months of support before all attention moves to the next version. Basically it feels to me like we are being asked to pay through the nose for bug fixes and feature polish.

Todd Kopriva
September 14th, 2011, 07:19 AM
> "and then you have only a few more months left before Adobe dumps support for your $2500 suite of software when the next version is released."

I don't understand these comments about support ceasing. We continue to support previous versions, not just the current version---both in terms of technical support and in terms of critical bug fixes. Note, for example, that the Premiere Pro CS5 (5.0.4) update was released after Premiere Pro CS5.5 was released.

If you're encountering bugs, please be sure to submit bug reports so that we can fix them as soon as possible:

Steve Kalle
September 14th, 2011, 05:48 PM
> "and then you have only a few more months left before Adobe dumps support for your $2500 suite of software when the next version is released."

I don't understand these comments about support ceasing. We continue to support previous versions, not just the current version---both in terms of technical support and in terms of critical bug fixes. Note, for example, that the Premiere Pro CS5 (5.0.4) update was released after Premiere Pro CS5.5 was released.

If you're encountering bugs, please be sure to submit bug reports so that we can fix them as soon as possible:

Everything I have read is that only major problems are considered for fixing. No new features are provided for CS5.

I am more frustrated with the breaking of Aja and BlackMagic drivers with CS5.5. I have a couple $1000 Decklink cards that barely work in CS5 and make CS5.5 completely unusable.

When was the 5.0.4 update released? None of my PCs have shown that this update is available via the Adobe Updater. I just opened the Updater on 2 PCs with CS5 MC installed and the only update is Fireworks.

However, I greatly appreciate your support Todd as well as Adobe asking for feedback on how we would like the Iridas software to be integrated - I have never seen this happen and it makes me even more confident that Adobe is headed in the right direction.

Todd Kopriva
September 14th, 2011, 05:52 PM
The 5.0.4 update was released in late June. It fixes some Mac-specific issues, so it isn't applicable to Windows.

This page ( has links to all of the updates and their details for Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Adobe Media Encoder.

Brian Parker
September 14th, 2011, 08:54 PM
Todd, I think that the increased presence of Adobe employees on forums and twitter is great. I also think that the way you reach out to ask people about new features is great. The bug report system is reasonable too.

My issue is just a personal feeling of disconnect between what feels like incremental feature progress matched with major cost outlays to stay up to date. With the accelerated release schedule I feel that at least the software of the same version number (5 as well as 5.5) should also be given the same amount of attention with regard to bug fixes as the latest version.

Bart Walczak
September 15th, 2011, 12:23 PM
Steve, I don't know if it helps, but I have had a lot of stability problems with Blackmagic Decklink card that went away when I moved the supposed x1 PCIe card from x1 PCIe slot to x4 PCIe slot. Perhaps moving the card around would help?

John Richard
September 16th, 2011, 08:59 AM
Regarding the issue some have with the incremental updates and announced schedule Adobe has planned;

As a member of the tens of thousands of FCP crew who spent years patiently awaiting a 64bit update of our beloved suite, only to have X foisted upon us, I actually think the very upfront announced plan is a pure plus for Adobe. To us it shows a long range commitment to the constant building of this set of tools. Apple left us to wonder what was going on ... and I guess many of us now know, albiet too late, why. Apple chose what they felt was in their best financial interest - larger market; Adobe chose to grab the pro market.