View Full Version : green tint wb on ex1r

Jim Stamos
September 11th, 2011, 03:51 PM
sometimes when im setting my wb theres a major green tint. wb on a white background with my led light and the yellow filter on it. very odd.

Cees van Kempen
September 12th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Jim , I once experienced the same with certain settings. I started a trhread about that "white balance in PP different from A/B" at June 6th this year and got the answer from some people who knew what was happening. Please search for this thread, it may have the answer for you too.

Alister Chapman
September 15th, 2011, 12:39 PM
LED lights do not have a full spectrum output. A white LED bulb is normally constructed using a blue LED with a phosphor coating that absorbs some of the blue and re transmits it as red/green. As the blue LED only produces a very narrow bandwidth of blue light the result is an uneven light source with gaps and holes in the spectrum produces. Our eyes tend to disregard these gaps and holes, but the electronic sensor of a video camera see's these gaps and spikes and the end result is unusual colour casts or peculiar looking colours.

Robert Turchick
September 15th, 2011, 03:06 PM
LED was the red flag that went up for me too upon reading your issue. Instead of yellow filter, try a minus green on the LED. If it's a daylight fixture (which all of mine are) I white balance with a warm card which seems to help a lot.