View Full Version : Filming permission from guests?
Peter Rush September 11th, 2011, 08:51 AM OK so I was filming a wedding yesterday and, not having had cnace to go to the rehearsal was talking to the vicar for the first time and he told me about the BBC who filmed at service his church last month and they got every member of the congregation to sign a form saying they consented to be filmed.
You can imagine my horror when he suggested I do the same - not only do I work alone and wouldn't have the time to do this but can you pictue trying to edit, with a list of people who did not want to be included - matching faces to names!!!! how difficult and time consuming would that edit be!
I stressed that the wedding DVD was not for broadcast purposes, but he still wasn't over happy so he arranged for the groomsmen who were handing out the order of service, to mention to the guests that the ceremony was being filmed and give them an opportunity to say they wished not to be included.
I'm pretty sure the groomsmen forgot to do this but it nearly gave me a heart attack
Anyone come across this before? I'm trying to work out a strategy in case I come across it again
David Schuurman September 11th, 2011, 09:22 AM if that were an issue you can just put a notice on the church door saying this event is being filmed if you have a problem get out or say somthing.
Noone will say anything.
Chris Harding September 11th, 2011, 09:30 AM Hi Peter
The C of E seems to getting more and more strict with rules and regulations at Churches. The only Anglian Church that I film at prohibits ANY video or photos apart from the official ones..we are delegated to specific positions and generally go thru all sorts of hoops but I've never had to get permission slips..that would indeed be a nightmare!! If you look back on posts by George KIlroy here you will see even more horror stories going right up to copyright issues for the organ music to not being allowed to film inside the Church at all!!!!
Especially in the UK it seems they are almost forcing brides to have civil weddings. It might be a good idea over there to have a clause in your contract clearing you of any liability should the vicar start to make things difficult. I know videographers are getting to the stage already where they are very reluctant to accept wedding in Anglican Churches.... hopefully George can fill you in futher with first hand experience!!
This will give you an idea of some of the hoops needed to jump thru in the UK and theres a lot more here!!
Michael Simons September 11th, 2011, 12:00 PM Peter, you should have it in your contract that the bride signs so she is responsible. She is hiring you.
Colin McDonald September 11th, 2011, 12:25 PM Have been on the customer side recently (arranging for my daughter's wedding to be professionally filmed) I would have been quite prepared to remind anyone who didn't want to be part of the proceedings that they were there at our invitation, and they were free to leave if they were not happy to fully join in the celebrations.
I did however take the precaution of making sure of the policies regarding filming and photography in the church and reception venue, and it was discussed with the celebrant.
Dave Blackhurst September 11th, 2011, 12:35 PM My only thought is that sometimes "little people" get "big ideas"...
Sounds like a starstruck vicar if you ask me... but these stories out of the UK are really loopy if you ask me - what exactly are they putting in the water "over there"?
Memo for Euro tour - drink only fermented beverages... the water may not be safe... <wink>
Don Bloom September 11th, 2011, 09:47 PM I've never heard of using release forms for a private event to be shown in the privacy of ones home. (generally speaking). It sounds to me like he let the BBC go to his head.
I did a wedding this year which had in excess of 300 guests at the church> I can just picture me running around getting them all to sign a release. In your dreams!
Chris Harding September 12th, 2011, 07:05 PM I assisted Shaun on a commercial shoot in Perth in August and I noticed that they had a sign outside the venue (it was a public library) that filming and photography was in progress. However (this was a public forum for Climate Change issues) anyone in the audience who stood up to ask the panel a question was required to sign a release!!
This video was going on a government website so I guess it could be classed as "broadcast" so the releases are necessary!!
I also put samples onto YouTube for my brides which also makes my footage "broadcast" too and it is visible to everyone!! In this case the private viewing scenario doesn't really apply and I'm pretty sure that most, if not all wedding videographers have on-line samples!!
Seriously, I have never been asked about permissions by guests or officials and SURELY you know you are going to be filmed or photographed at a wedding???????
Noel Lising September 14th, 2011, 02:29 PM This is unheard off but then again it was mentioned sometime ago that some churches in the UK charge for copyright fees of some sort if you are recording the choir or something.
I also shoot conferences (photo/video). They usually have a sign in the entrance that says " you will be photographed or video taped during the conference. Let the photog/video know if you do not want to."
Danny O'Neill September 15th, 2011, 03:03 AM The BBC would have done it because they are policy mad. Also, everyone would have just been a member of the public whilst a wedding is generally a closed event (although people are usually free to enter the church if they so wish).
Also, the BBC disclaimer would be more than "Can we film you" it would have had them sign over any rights to them and say that the BBC have the right to re-sell the footage, make a profit etc etc. Its like when you upload to YouTube you have already accepted their agreement.
The problem is that this church no doubts see the BBC do it and then thinks everyone should. You then have the issue that if the BBC had anyone refuse to sign it they would be asked to leave so as not to get in the shot. What if you have a guest refuse to sign it, are you expected to avoid them all day, its hard to avoid getting people in the background of a shot and you cant ask them to leave the set as it were.
Jeff Harper September 15th, 2011, 08:34 AM Danny, I'm sure you hit upon what happened here. The Vicar saw the BBC do it, and then he expected everyone else should do it. The BBC did it for themselves, and the idea of consent to be filmed documents has nothing to do with the church, unless there is something we're missing here.
Danny O'Neill September 17th, 2011, 03:53 AM The BBC do it because, no doubt, in the past someone was filmed, the footage was used for something which then generated a lot of money for someone and they wanted a slice. So now they make you sign a doc that says you dont get a bean. Most people are smart enough to get out of the way if they dont want to be filmed.
Brian Drysdale September 17th, 2011, 05:07 AM It's pretty standard for people to sign release forms on any broadcast programmes these days, the only time it's not done is on news and current affairs. Some productions go a bit heavier than others regarding crowds and signing release forms, but it's not unusual to put up an sign saying that the event is being filmed and if anyone has got any objections to being filmed they're to let the production team know. Many other productions don't bother, they just don't feature individuals or their faces in the crowd shots, just wider shots.
It may also depend on the nature of the production, "Songs of Praise" is more likely to require everyone to sign a release form than say a documentary in which the church is only featured in a couple of sequences.
It's something that seems to coming up in stills photography as well, so if people will possibly sue for the use of their face, they need a release signed. The forms only exist because experience has shown that you don't want any legal consequences (and costs) down the line. Unfortunately people do tend to sue more these days.
Michael Johnston September 22nd, 2011, 02:15 PM You don't need to get signatures. Weddings are an invitation only event and film and photography are expected. If it's not for broadcast or commercial use, you don't need their permission. Guests are free to leave if they want. My contract with brides clearly states they are responsible if anyone objects to being filmed and I advise them at the consultation to state on the invitation that the event WILL be filmed and photographed. Therefore, by accepting the invitation and showing up, they give permission to be filmed. If the bride/groom fail to add that notice, it's on them if people complain.
Jeff Harper September 22nd, 2011, 11:06 PM Michael, you made the best point yet. Weddings certainly are private, invitation only events, and any reasonable person would expect photos and video to be occurring.
Danny O'Neill September 23rd, 2011, 03:43 AM Ahhh, but there not. Here anyway. Here in the UK the church is always open. Any passer by can walk into a church ceremony and sit at the back. Ive seen it happen twice. I have no idea why. I wouldnt dream of walking into some strangers wedding. Civil ceremonies are a little more private though.
The chances of someone from the street walking into a strangers ceremony and then getting the grump because they were filmed is very small indeed. But you just know there is someone out there who has done just that and made their complaints.
Everyone is free to leave and we know the look the says "Go away".
Chris Harding September 23rd, 2011, 05:46 AM Hi Danny
In Australia you don't need permission to film someone in a public place, only in a private place. Since our Churches are also open to the public during the day (and they wander around and take photos too) I would guess they are too, public places so people cannot object to being filmed! Likewise a lot of civil ceremonies are done in public parks so the same conditions would apply.
I often see people at the back of the Church who are not guests and simply like to watch a wedding!! Little old ladies make this their Saturday afternoon outing at some of our bigger cathedrals, but my last wedding at a big Church saw the lighting and sound guy (near the door) politely turn away visitors while the wedding was in progress!!
Danny O'Neill September 23rd, 2011, 06:09 AM Sounds like here. I believe we too can film in public places but being allowed and being wanted are often different.
I was merrily filming the setup for our last wedding. Everyone was cool with being filmed but one guy asked me not to film him and delete anything I had of him (he was just tieing some ribbon to a chair).
Jeff Harper September 23rd, 2011, 06:10 AM Good points all, no matter how you slice it, the permission thing is nonsense for a wedding. In addition, it all comes back, in my mind, to that is is reasonable that at a wedding photos and/or video are normal occurrences and to be expected.
Jeff Harper September 23rd, 2011, 06:13 AM Danny, I've had people tell me the same thing, and I smile and say ok and then I promptly forget it. It's usually women who don't feel attractive, and it's normally someone who will not be in the final product anyway.
Jawad Mir September 23rd, 2011, 07:44 AM Like what few said, it's very simple.
Ceremony and Reception or anything for that matter related to wedding are not taking at personal property. They are private property so if people have issue either hide yourself or disappear. But it does help to have a clause in contract to cover yourself.
Luke Gates September 23rd, 2011, 07:53 AM I've always wondered, if everyone is required to sign a release, then how do the papparazi get away with what they do?
Brian Drysdale September 23rd, 2011, 08:07 AM Sounds like here. I believe we too can film in public places but being allowed and being wanted are often different.
In the past, when shooting news at some church yard funerals we tended not to film the grave diggers if possible, they could be doing what is termed "the double". That is working and claiming social security..
David T. Green September 23rd, 2011, 10:57 AM I think that the purpose of the filming is what determine if you need to get people to sign a release form. I worked at a television station and we didn't need to get persons sign if we were filming for news but if were doing something for productions which was going to be used for commercial purposes then we had to get everyone sign a release form.
The BBC was probably doing something which have a commercial element to it. I don't think that none of us will be taking any of the wedding that we record and make them available for sale to the public. So there is no need to get anyone sign anything.
Michael Johnston September 24th, 2011, 12:31 PM You don't need permission or releases for news or documentary shooting. TMZ and the papparazi, and the photos/video they take are considered news. You could also claim the wedding video is a documentary in which case you don't need Antibes permission.
Colin McDonald September 25th, 2011, 05:51 AM I've just remembered about the lady who asked me not to be filmed filling her plate at a reception buffet (presumably because she piled it too high with food and didn't want to appear greedy). That was a first for me.
Jeff Harper September 25th, 2011, 06:01 AM Many people, particularly women, do not enjoy being filmed at a buffet, or while eating. I personally would be extremely irritated to be filmed eating.
I do film buffets, but only to provide glimpses of faces etc as they move through, a few closeups of foot going onto a plate, etc. for the purpose of continuity.
Chris Harding September 25th, 2011, 06:07 AM Hey Jeff
.....and filming that foot must have been a practical example of really and truly putting one's foot in one's mouth??? (Only pulling your leg about the typo!!!)
When I still used to do ethnic weddings they are actually offended if you don't film the guests eating!!!! They need to know that everyone with mouths full is a sign that the meal is delicious and being enjoyed!!
I film the buffet too but never people eating .... besides if you have a nice bride you also should be eating!!
Jeff Harper September 25th, 2011, 06:31 AM We have cannibals here, and we do film them eating body parts, that was not a typo. A foot on the plate of every guest shows demonstrates the host's wealth, as feet are an expensive delicacy in these parts. It's a status thing. When the guest are done knawing all the meat off, it is customary to toss the bones over ones left shoulder for good luck. I do like to get a group shot of people tossing bones, as we call it.
Corey Graham September 25th, 2011, 06:32 AM Yes we have cannibals here, and we do film them eating body parts, that was not a typo.
I need to move to Cincinnati!
Jeff Harper September 25th, 2011, 06:41 AM No, you don't Corey, very boring! The biggest thing the city has going for it is a booming wedding market, they are still stuck in the 50s here, and girls still feel the need to snag a husband, preferably out of high school. I love it, of course, but it makes for a relatively boring social life. I'm from Columbus, and after 15 years here I still feel like a martian here. Most of the people I know here from other places feel the same way!
David Schuurman September 25th, 2011, 08:38 AM Jeff's just trying to keep you out of his market Corey! I bet Cincinnati is a rollicking good time.