View Full Version : Smallest audio recorder

Geoffrey Chandler
September 10th, 2011, 07:06 PM
I've been using Zoom H2 recorders as a body-pack recorder for the groom, but the thing is so darn thick, sometimes the groom isn't so happy. I thought I remembered seeing someone use an iRiver recorder that was really small (and more importantly, thin). I did a internet and Ebay search for iRiver, but they make a million devices.

What's the smallest, quality recorder out there these days?


Chip Thome
September 10th, 2011, 07:20 PM
Yamaha Pocketraks are nice and thin. There are two levels, go with the better one. I have one model back, the Pocketrak CX and have tried the 2G too. The CX is far superior and worth the additional cost. I don't know what they call these models now, but they are still a low end and higher end version being sold.

Dave Blackhurst
September 10th, 2011, 09:55 PM
The iRivers that work for this are the older ifp700 and 800 series... which are aging, and no drivers for windows7... You can pick them up used from time to time.

You may want to poke around - there are several small "pocket recorders" people are using that are much smaller and lighter than the H2

Paul Mailath
September 10th, 2011, 11:21 PM
I use the Olympus voice recorder - small & slim fit into a pocket nicely, there's a few different models and prices but I think they'd all do the job

Louis Maddalena
September 10th, 2011, 11:25 PM
I use the Zoom H1... the groom has never had a problem with it and I think its pretty convenient. and at $100 its perfect incase something happens to it I can just get a new one... a few years back I had a more expensive wireless set up and it started raining during the ceremony and the whole thing was shot... with the H1. if something like that were to happen I wouldn't freak out I'd just drive to BH and pick up another one before the next wedding.

Michael Simons
September 11th, 2011, 06:31 AM
I use the Zoom H1... the groom has never had a problem with it and I think its pretty convenient. and at $100 its perfect incase something happens to it I can just get a new one... a few years back I had a more expensive wireless set up and it started raining during the ceremony and the whole thing was shot... with the H1. if something like that were to happen I wouldn't freak out I'd just drive to BH and pick up another one before the next wedding.

You can also buy the H1 at certain Best Buy stores for $100.

Peter Rush
September 11th, 2011, 08:43 AM
olympus ws-311m - I have four of them - the quality is really good and they're nice and slim - you can get them for about £79 I stopped using the Zoom as it was too bulky - now just have it on standby

Corey Graham
September 11th, 2011, 01:27 PM
The Olympus recorders are fantastic. Great audio, very small. Although the older ones will give you audio drift, but that's easily corrected.