Harry Simpson
September 9th, 2011, 12:26 PM
I've got a 5Dmk2 and have shot a lot of different video with it but as this forum has drummed into my head over and over, use the correct tool for the task at hand. That said I've seen Canon video camera's with a wide range of models. I suppose when AF important and many other reasons, a video cam is the best tool. Sony HXRMC2000U, Canon Vixia HF G10 32GB, and Canon XH A1S HDV MiniDV are some recent sale items I saw. What is your favorite video cam to match 5Dmk2 image quality. XLR inputs would be needed for audio.
I know so little about the most recent camcorders...
Robert Turchick
September 9th, 2011, 12:49 PM
I use the 7D with my XF 300 all the time and a friend who I shoot with a lot uses the 5D. No problems matching them though you will need to adjust settings in both cameras to get it right. I like the fact they all use CF cards. And image quality is very similar though the XFs don't have the moire and aliasing like the DSLRs. The face detection is awesome to have and the 300 gives you essentially a 527mm stabilized lens on the long end and a 29mm on the wide. Highly recommended!
Jason Rae
September 9th, 2011, 03:56 PM
I am new to this whole thing with video in general so please excuse this newbie question, but how to you put the settings the same on both cameras. Would you shoot in a flat style and make them the same in post, or same picture styles. I have a 5d mark ii and a xf 100. thanks
Les Wilson
September 9th, 2011, 04:32 PM
I use the Sony EX1R with the 5DM2 as do a few folks here.
Robert Turchick
September 9th, 2011, 08:52 PM
I am new to this whole thing with video in general so please excuse this newbie question, but how to you put the settings the same on both cameras. Would you shoot in a flat style and make them the same in post, or same picture styles. I have a 5d mark ii and a xf 100. thanks
To me it depends on the look you're going for. If it's corporate video or similar I tend to shoot pretty flat on both and lightly grade in post. If it's more cinematic I let the 7D do what it's best at and use a CP on the 300 to enhance the picture. The settings don't really correspond number-wise so a bit of experimenting is required. A good monitor helps for initial setup. White balance is about the only number you can match between the two.
The other thing to keep in mind is the cameras really have different strengths. I tend to shoot one of two ways...
300 on wide and 7D for closeups or just the opposite. I do go for the bokeh on the 7D which means it won't look the same even though the colors may match. If I need to shoot two very similar angles i have to close down the aperture on the 7D to kill the bokeh. I don't really like doing that though.
Harry Simpson
September 15th, 2011, 08:17 PM
So even with the video camera does everyone shoot AF or manual focus? I'll check out these two cameras. Thanks
Robert Turchick
September 15th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Well, purists and old school stay away from all things auto... I however, am neither. The XF's have an amazingly effective AF which even has a face detect mode. If I'm shooting people, the face detect AF is on. It does a quicker, more accurate job than I could and especially when the people are moving. It's awesome for crane/jib work and essential for GlideCam.
If I'm shooting things other than people, I prefer manual unless the subject is moving and then I use manual mode with push auto.
Everything else on the camera I prefer manual. (iris, WB, audio)
And for the record, I am very fast and accurate with manually focusing and get hired a lot with my 7D because of that skill. The XF's in auto mode are just about as fast and are deadly accurate in face detect AF. Hard not to take advantage of that.
Small disclaimer...as with any auto settings, nothing is 100% perfect. I'd say the face detect AF is 98-99% though! And I have a LOT of hours on the camera.