View Full Version : I just got engaged, video of how I did it!

David Schuurman
September 7th, 2011, 08:30 PM
Hey everyone.

So I just proposed to my girlfriend of almost 4 years. she works for westjet airlines and we've been living in separate cities for a majority of our relationship. Suffice it to say we've done alot of coming and going through airports in our time.

Given all that I proposed at the airport as she was coming for a visit, I had our families and some friends there to meet her at arrivals as I serenaded her with a relyriced version of Katy Perry's "TGIF" then got down on one knee and popped the ol question.

I had my family take some footage which I quickly edited together to make this video but now that I think back on it I really wish I had gotten my second shooters to film it for us but I was just too nervous in the week leading up to it to think about anything else. Ah well, next NOT.

Anyway enough talking...

Check out my video hope you like it!

Surprise airport wedding proposal in Toronto | Westjet | Katy Perry |TGIF - YouTube (

Oh and just to keep things on track, have you guys shot any proposals? either professionally or personally?

Chris Medico
September 7th, 2011, 08:35 PM
Looks like fun. Congratulations.

I've shot interviews with couples getting married. Kinda like story time where we toss in some photos and b-roll of home movies and such to keep it interesting. That seems pretty popular.

Don Bloom
September 7th, 2011, 08:43 PM
OK it may not win an Oscar but it did win your lady's heart and that's far more important!

Cute and I must say I know a "few" videographers" that could capture your special day, that is if you are going to have it recorded and edited! ;-)

Congrats to both you and your lady!

David Schuurman
September 7th, 2011, 10:46 PM
haha, Don..

I've been telling people who ask "who's going to shoot YOUR wedding?!" that Im getting my uncle to do it and I think videography is a gimmick. lol TOTALLY TIC though!

We'll be on a bit of a budget so I'm getting my team to do the videography and I'm editing. Ideally I'd like to hire stillmotion or someone like them but I'm being realistic. The hardest part will be just letting them do their thing and not focus on it at all myself! I've never been in front of the camera at a wedding before!

Peter Manojlovic
September 7th, 2011, 10:58 PM
but now that I think back on it I really wish I had gotten my second shooters to film it for us but I was just too nervous in the week leading up to it to think about anything else.

Ah, nuts to it all....It's fine the way it is.

This footage would go perfect with a highlight reel, or montaze..It's real.
Having it done on tripods 'n' such makes it look too setup...
I think your fiancee was more interested in the proposal than how it looks in post.

Life's too random...Film it as such..

David Schuurman
September 7th, 2011, 11:44 PM
peter youre totally right, I feel like its more real this way, but if it was a good operator on the same cameras, in the same spots. it wouldve been better.

but as always content is king. Id rather watch a cell phone cam of a meteor shower than a bunch of pretty slider shots of flowers.

Joe Thompson
September 8th, 2011, 03:55 AM
Well it's a good thing, that she didn't head straight for the Departure lounge, or you would have needed a Steadicam operator walking behind her to keep the footage steady ... :-)

I would say 6|10 for singing ability (probably not X-factor material), 8|10 for finding the right notes on the guitar, 7|10 for camera positioning, 10|10 for having the balls to do that, 10|10 for the spontaneity, 10|10 for a gorgeous fiance.

Fair play and good luck ....

Asvaldur Kristjansson
September 8th, 2011, 04:54 AM

David Schuurman
September 8th, 2011, 07:53 AM
Hahaha thanks for the rating Joe!

Although your rating of my fiance is a little low IMO ;)

Noel Lising
September 8th, 2011, 02:03 PM
Congratulations! For once I watched a DVI posted video without looking at camera works, grading, I was more in tune with the emotion of it all.


Peter Manojlovic
September 8th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Yeah, and the rating on your singing is a bit high :)...

Just bustin' your chops!!!

David Schuurman
September 8th, 2011, 02:17 PM
hahaha! touche!