View Full Version : Let there be light?

Michael Simons
September 7th, 2011, 02:08 PM
This weekend, video doesn't seem to be a high priority for my bride. She doesn't want me to be there for her prep. I work a 10 hour day and she'd rather have me stay to the end of the reception than record her prep. (Makeup at 10am reception ends at 11pm). She has spent extra money on the DJ for a light show. I normally would set up 2 light stands for the intros/first dance/toasts. Now these lights will affect her light show. Since video isn't a priority, should I set up lights?

John Knight
September 7th, 2011, 02:10 PM
In 21 years I've never, ever used lights at a reception. No complaints so far and booked solid 2 years in advance.

Stephen J. Williams
September 7th, 2011, 02:14 PM
Hey Michael,

You might walk away with some great footage. I just recently shot a wedding where the couple splurged on DJ and lighting. i was really impress with the DJ's LED smart lights that he was using to illuminate the dance floor. Best lighting that I've ever had for a wedding to tell you the truth. It was bright, came in at the perfect angles, gave the dance floor that "night club" feel. Since then I replaced my halogen 50w external lights with cool LED spot lights and have loved the look.

whats the name of the company? could be the same one...


Kelly Langerak
September 7th, 2011, 02:15 PM
Bro that sucks. I was listening to a talk from Ray Roman who said that he lays out everything in front of the couple before they sign. If they don't want prep covered than they are not the right client for Ray. I tell every couple that "WE USE LIGHTS" it has to be done. We only use them for the important moments, so don't worry. That being said. What kinda light show is this? Most likely they are mediocre dj disco lights and that isn't going to be enough for you to film. What I would do in this situation is tell the bride that if the lights don't give us a enough light to see than we will need to use at least one light. If she refuses then just shoot without the additional light and let her regret the outcome. Educate your couples from the beginning and you won't have these issues ever again.

Michael Simons
September 7th, 2011, 04:02 PM
This bride hired me bc she knows what i do. She knows it so well that this is the SECOND time she has hired me to film her weddings. She had the makeup filmed the first time and it's not as important to her the 2nd time. (which I did not know until today). The DJs lighting won't be enough to make a good quality video.

Travis Cossel
September 7th, 2011, 04:36 PM
Michael, I would bring your lights and set them up. I would also talk to the DJ about what exactly this light show will look like. Call him before the wedding day. Unless I really felt my lights were going to ruin the mood, I would use them even if video wasn't the bride's top priority. She still expects a great video and without good lighting she won't get it.