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Stephen J. Williams
September 6th, 2011, 10:27 AM
Heather and Matt on Vimeo

Don Bloom
September 6th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Stephen, nicely done. I especially liked the low shot of the aisle. The only thing I would have liked to have heard would have been a bit of natural audio when the (I assume) Best Man was speaking. Other than that, well done.

Stephen J. Williams
September 6th, 2011, 04:28 PM
Stephen, nicely done. I especially liked the low shot of the aisle. The only thing I would have liked to have heard would have been a bit of natural audio when the (I assume) Best Man was speaking. Other than that, well done.

Good idea Don... Next time I'll put some more natural room audio in there. I could tell something was missing when I watched/listened to it.


Stephen J. Williams
September 7th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Wow don! I just watched the video and realized that the audio for the bm speech wasnt even there. I feel stupid, great catch.