View Full Version : Relocating from Final Cut Land to AVIDville

G. Lee Gordon
August 30th, 2011, 07:42 PM
I am a refugee from the aftermath left by hurricane FCPX. I have to decide weather to trust Apple and the future construction of FCP or to move elsewhere. AVID is the standard, but I had a few concerns.

1. I run a newer IMAC and a Macbook pro. Both soon to be upgraded to Lion. Does Avid work well on LION? Are there any glitches?
2. Will I need any additional hardware(e.g. cards, etc)?
3. Does AVID round trip or work well with After Effects, Motion, etc.?
4. What do AVID owners do for special effects, color correction, sound editing, etc. Is there an equivalent in Media Composer similar to the programs found in FCP studio or FCPX?

If this is already covered in a previous post, please be kind enough to guide me to it.