Bill Edmunds
August 30th, 2011, 04:36 PM
What is your flavor of choice for wedding shoots: 60i, 60p, 24p, or 30p and why? Or do you ask your brides what they want?
View Full Version : 60i, 24p, or 30p for weddings? Bill Edmunds August 30th, 2011, 04:36 PM What is your flavor of choice for wedding shoots: 60i, 60p, 24p, or 30p and why? Or do you ask your brides what they want? Chris Harding August 30th, 2011, 06:46 PM Hi Bill Plenty of people also shoot at double frame rate so you really need to include that as an option like 720 50P or 60P Because we are PAL I usually do weddings in 50i but I'm leaning towards shooting at 50P as it really gives super smooth slomo. Our slower progressive is 25P and for me any movement tends to be a bit jittery's a bit annoying in the EVF too!! Chris Corey Graham August 30th, 2011, 06:51 PM I shoot 720/60p. Mostly because I can't stand 24p, but also because I love the option of smooth slow motion. And it scales nicer to SD than 1080p does. Taky Cheung August 30th, 2011, 09:36 PM 60i is too videoish. I shot 30p.. and when times I know some scenes I need in slow motion, I quickly switch to 60p. I tried 24p last wedding. Not sure if i like it tho.. have to be careful when panning. Kren Barnes August 30th, 2011, 09:39 PM We shoot 1080p/30fps..tried to shoot 24fps but didn't like the jittery effect...would like to try 720p but kept thinking about what Phillip Bloom said about avoiding that . Cheers! Kren Vertical Video Works* Winnipeg Wedding Videography ( Jeff Harper August 31st, 2011, 12:10 AM What did Bloom say about 720P, Kren? Chris Harding August 31st, 2011, 12:44 AM Hi Kren Since we are in PAL land we don't have 30fps but 25 and I agree with's only one frame higher than 24 and I also don't like the jittery effect when be honest I have never shot with it as the image breakup in the EVF at 1/50shutter was enough to tell me there might be issues on the end result as well!! It would probably be a lot better on DSLR's with fast lenses and shutter speeds over 1/100th or does it still jitter at 24fps????? I dare not use my next speed down which is 1/25th for PAL ...even shooting interlaced it jitters!!! The low light is great BUT you dare not move the camera too much!!! I would also like to know what Phillip said about 720P!!! I don't have double frame rate at 1080 Chris Kurt W. Shrader August 31st, 2011, 12:44 AM What did Bloom say about 720P, Kren? He mentions additional moire in a 2009 post. I don't know if he said anything since then. I shoot 720/60p. Mostly because I can't stand 24p, but also because I love the option of smooth slow motion. And it scales nicer to SD than 1080p does. I don't know if I'm missing something, but I generally assume that more information will allow a better quality or at least a comparable quality SD scaling. Unless you're talking about encoding time that is. I personally prefer 30p, but I've started toying with shooting 60p all the time at weddings. Jeff Harper August 31st, 2011, 01:24 AM I shoot 720 60p. I do not have ability to shoot 1080 60p, but nothing can touch it. 1080 60p is absolutely the way to go if you have it, IMO. Corey Graham August 31st, 2011, 04:11 AM I don't know if I'm missing something, but I generally assume that more information will allow a better quality or at least a comparable quality SD scaling. Unless you're talking about encoding time that is. Encoding time for 720p is definitely a plus. But the way I understand it is that there is less interpolation/processing involved in scaling 720p to SD than there is with 1080p. The less the computer has to figure out, the better. Of course, this is in theory. Side-by-side, you'll likely never see a difference either way. But it makes total sense to me, and it's been discussed widely. Greg Fiske August 31st, 2011, 08:58 AM We use 24p at 1080 and use twixtor for anything we'd like to slow down to 50%. For more of a slow motion effect we would use 60p at 120 fps. Moire is rarely a problem (we don't have bricks). We then drop to 720 in post for creative cropping and sliding. You don't take a quality hit because the 5dmarkII doesn't resolve above 720 anyways. Jeff, are you using the gh2? I noticed that the gh1, the 720 mode is really soft compared to the 1080. I was wondering if that had been improved. Kren Barnes August 31st, 2011, 03:55 PM What did Bloom say about 720P, Kren? Hi Kren I would also like to know what Phillip said about 720P!!! I don't have double frame rate at 1080 Chris He mentions additional moire in a 2009 post. I don't know if he said anything since then. . If i can recall correctly he mentioned additional moire, noise and overheating issues when shooting 720P...i've watched so many of his tutorials i cannot recall which particular one he addressed these items in... Cheers! Kren Vertical Video Works* Winnipeg Wedding Videography ( John Knight August 31st, 2011, 04:58 PM 60i is too videoish. Yeah - I'd hate my wedding videos to look.... um.... videoish. ;) Chris Harding August 31st, 2011, 06:16 PM Hi John The high end people don't call them wedding videos any more as they don't use a video camera to shoot them. They use a still camera and 24 fps so they classify them as "wedding films" I guess that's technically correct now as a DSLR isn't a video camera. Oh well, the rest of us will still be shooting wedding videos and whether it's at 1080, 720 or anything else, regardless of frame rate and camera the bride STILL couldn't care less as long as it's in focus and her and the bridesmaids look stunning!!! I guess DSLR/Video/Framerate/Format complexities give us something to talk about on the forum. Most posters here and not interested whether the bride's gown was ivory or white, only the hi-tech details of your shoot!! Chris Corey Graham August 31st, 2011, 06:26 PM Oh well, the rest of us will still be shooting wedding videos and whether it's at 1080, 720 or anything else, regardless of frame rate and camera the bride STILL couldn't care less as long as it's in focus and her and the bridesmaids look stunning!!! I guess DSLR/Video/Framerate/Format complexities give us something to talk about on the forum. Most posters here and not interested whether the bride's gown was ivory or white, only the hi-tech details of your shoot!! Hey Chris, you're right! It's funny how we all geek out about cameras and frame rates and compression and artifacts and resolution and sliders and whatever else . . . but in the end, it's all about making the bride look beautiful. There a lot of ways to achieve that, as our wide range of styles and approaches demonstrate, but that's the bottom line! :) Chris Harding September 1st, 2011, 02:06 AM Hi Corey If we all disregarded the technical aspects of frame rates, Video vs DSLR and the rest and just concentrated on making the bride look good then this forum would probably be empty, as pleasing a bride isn't too hard. It's important to argue tooth and nail with the DSLR guys (if you shoot with a video camera) so our forum stays active and swear blind that one format is vastly superior than the other and you are pretty sure to create some interesting posts. Wouldn't it be sad if there were no new posts every time you log onto DVInfo!!! Chris |