View Full Version : Quinceanera Videos??
Katie Fasel August 30th, 2011, 02:19 PM Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone has ever done a video for a quinceanera before. We got a recent request, and I want to try and set up a meeting but I have never been to one, let alone shot one. What kinds of questions should I be asking, and what are the "main events" that would be focused on...i.e. the vows, first dance and bouquet toss to a Quinceanera video?
Any input or advice would be most appreciated!! Would love to hear from someone who's done one before or see some samples. Thanks!
Don Bloom August 30th, 2011, 02:27 PM I haven't done many but honestly to me it's like a wedding without a groom. It's all about the girl. There's a processional, the priest does his thing, the girl reads (the priest stood by her and gave her the reading in the ones I've done) he blesses her and theres a recessional. Much like a wedding. There is a young man who walks her in and is up on the altar with her, he might be a relative, he might not be. Pictures afterwards at the altar (everyone wants to be in a picture-many many people) then off to the park for more pics. The reception has intros, there is a cake cutting,and some dances. Very special "performances" by the girl, the guy who stood with her and the "bridal" party. Did I mention there is a group of friends who are invited to stand with the girl at the ceremony much like a bridal party. These dances are choreographed and may include 3 or 4. She'll dance with the parents, then finally dinner! After that they might do another "performance" then open the dance floor.
Like I said, kind of like a wedding but not although from what I've heard, the cost can be almost the same. Sheesh, how'd you like to pay for that!!! ;-)
Anyway, I would ask every question you can think of and go from there. Some of the reception you just gotta roll with the flow.
Noel Lising August 30th, 2011, 02:55 PM Have not done one but go search for Monday Isa on DVI, he only shoots Quinceneras
Monday Isa August 30th, 2011, 03:20 PM Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone has ever done a video for a quinceanera before......
Don pretty much summed it up. The only thing I'd add is they will probably have you film prep at the house. Focus on the girl and family, extended family etc... There will be numerous family members that fly in from around the world and you want to make sure your filming shows them as well. Best way to get them is to film the table greetings and formals after the church. Not all Quinceaneras are like this though but be prepared. In the end anything can happen but the structure Don gave is basically it. There's numerous videos on youtube and vimeo. I film Quinceanera's full time. For me they're more fun then weddings and I always get to eat. :) Have Fun!
Don Bloom August 30th, 2011, 04:25 PM I forgot about the prep. Yeah lots of people all around.
Katie Fasel August 30th, 2011, 05:23 PM Thank you both for chiming in...and Monday, thank you for sending me the message with your website! You do beautiful work and it is pretty similar to our wedding style so I think this would be very similar for us.
I think the hardest part will come from choosing sound bytes to include, as neither one of us speaks Spanish. May have to find a good translator :-) Thanks again!
Edward Mendoza August 30th, 2011, 05:53 PM Unless you know for certain that someone's said something offensive to the receiving party, keep the Spanish stuff in; they'll appreciate that (I'm assuming the party is Hispanic). Most of the time what is said is really fun and silly.
Monday Isa August 30th, 2011, 09:33 PM Thank you both for chiming in...and Monday, thank you for sending me the message with your website! You do beautiful work and it is pretty similar to our wedding style so I think this would be very similar for us.
I think the hardest part will come from choosing sound bytes to include, as neither one of us speaks Spanish. May have to find a good translator :-) Thanks again!
For a Highlight clip the good parts to use are either the girls speech at church or at the reception and or any parents speech at the reception. It'll be easy to figure out as you are doing the job.
For the Ceremony the important speaking parts to keep is the opening words by the priest, the reading, the homily, the girls speech if any, the blessing they give her. If any relative speaks or reads keep that. The rest just cut away and hack at. Church is long any where from 45mins to 1hr30. I condense them down from 6mins to 18mins tops. Just use the homily as the base of that section. Show clips of the communion, flowers to mary, etc... Report back here to let us know how it goes. You'll do fine. :)
Jeff Harper August 31st, 2011, 12:43 AM A friend of mine is the leading Hispanic video/photo guy for these events in this area, and I've done a few with him. He typically starts between 9 or 10am, though sometimes later, and we go until as late as 2 am the next morning. One ran till 4am and he stays for the whole thing, and he runs two cameras the whole night. I don't know how he edits the darned things, it's too much.
He films the girl getting ready. He gets photos and video of her crown, shoes, etc all laid out on her bed. It's a huge deal. They seem to really like the moving detail shots at the house of the various items and clothing before she gets ready.
The shoots are the longest I've ever done. The single most important part, I suspect, is the ceremony during the party where the boys and girls dance in the choreographed routine mentioned above, and the girl is lifted in the air during this time. This can go on for what seems like a long period of time. You want to have plenty of batteries and make sure to change them at the right times as you don't want to miss any of this. I've seen 12 guys and girls involved with this part.
The presenting of the gifts thing is very important also, and that happens about the same time, following the dance thing, as I remember. I haven't done one for a few months so I'm kind of foggy. The main thing is do NOT turn off your camera too quickly, as the events follow one after another. The shoe ceremony is another part, I think it happens after the gifts, and that is very important also. these things, as I have witnessed them anyway, kind of run together hence the advice to not turn off your camera too quickly, because you could think things have come to a stop for awhile, but they are really just getting ready for the next segment. If it goes smoothly their should be no gaps, but there often are. I've seen them looking for her shoes at the last minute, etc and it can get crazy and I'm wondering what is happening, cause I don't speak Spanish, so it can seem confusing at times.
Katie, to give you some perspective on what it means to the family, the family starts saving money from the time of the girls birth. The girl is supposedly given a choice of being given the money at age 15, or a party. I suspect they are really not expected to take the money, and that the party is what she is expected to choose. At least that is how it was explained to me.
I have filmed these with my friend where the event easily cost $60K, and yet the family lives in a modest trailer home. They will sometimes spend $20k or even much more just bringing a band from Mexico. I have been told some of the bigger named Mexican bands cost upwards of $50K. It's really an awesome responsibility to video tape one of these events. Of course they are not all big ones, but that is the only kind I have seen. They normally have 500-1000 guests and the party is often held in a huge hall. At every one I've participated, party crashers showed up, and fights broke out. It's almost like it's expected to happen, but it blows over quickly, and things proceed like nothing ever happened. It's like the craziest stuff I've ever seen. The first few I did were fun, but the novelty quickly wore off after a few, and they just turned into these overly long drawn out affairs that left me exhausted for two days afterwards.
Katie Fasel August 31st, 2011, 07:14 AM Wow, thank you all for the information. I knew this was the right place to start! I spoke to the mother last night,and they are just looking for ceremony and reception coverage, but right now they are still shopping around. Now that I have a better idea I really hope we book the job. Thanks again for all the help!