View Full Version : Neo (now) or Cineform Studio Premium?

Bruce Pelley
August 30th, 2011, 09:59 AM
1) What is the current degree (percentage wise) of compatibility of Neo with Prem Pro CS5.5?

2) I have only owned Neoscene for a few months. Is there an upgrade path/option to purchase Neo with cost savings? Actually in my case Neo seems to be better suited in the long run to meet needs as Neoscene has limitations which were not expected. Please, could I apply that purchase price towards Neo?

3a) Is it better to wait awhile until Neo is incorporated into and becomes part of Cineform Studio Premium before purchasing?

Will Cineform Studio Premium still retail for $299 ( like Neo) with more features and enhancements?

3b) What is the anticipated timeframe that CSP will be launched?

3c) If I buy Neo now, will there be another charge to obtain Cineform Studio Premium?

Thanks for helping me in my planning.

David Newman
August 30th, 2011, 11:07 AM
1) it is good.

2) You get a $129 credit today -- don't know the future pan on this.

3) Same price, free upgrade from Neo to CineForm Studio Premium. Buy at any time. CSP is out soon-ish.