View Full Version : Canon XHA1 to be used with Focus FS-5 DTE

Elon Ganor
August 29th, 2011, 06:02 AM
I am the happy owner of an XHA1 Pal Canon camera. I decided I want to go tapeless and bought in the US a Focus FS-5 DTE disk and am not able to use it for some reason. I do succeed recording on the FS-5 a file and even see it in my PC using VLC but when trying to import the file to my Sony Vegas , only the audio part is getting in and no Video? any suggestions? Thank you Elon

Dave Burckhard
September 29th, 2011, 08:15 AM

I suggest emailing Focus. They are usually quick to respond even if they have a less-than-satisfying answer. The FS-5 seems to have certain issues that I believe are compatibility related and probably can be fixed with a firmware update. I think a bunch of their products suffered some support problems during Focus's purchase by Vitec. I've usually had decent support from them and I hope it continues.

You can email them here:

good luck and let us know what happened.

David Burckhard
PicturePoint On-line