View Full Version : Can anyone tell me how too....

Gerald Webb
August 27th, 2011, 03:58 AM
Ive got a 123min Cineform 1080p clip that has been graded in First light, its great and I'm happy with it.
Can I make a copy of it on another drive to try out some different LUT in First Light without disturbing my master clip.
I know I can change it in First light and then change it back, but Id rather have a few copies and apply different gradings which would allow me to drop, say, five clips on a timeline, have 30 sec of each LUT and then we can compare them closely.

or, if this is not possible,

How do you save a LUT AND Primaries to a file that can be applied later.
Tried to save Project but it doesnt work, if the project is on the same clip, you open five different projects and all settings are as they were on the last thing you saved.

Thanks for any help.

David Newman
August 27th, 2011, 09:56 AM
If you want five different LUTs at the same time (on the same timeline) then you have to render the section you want with the different LUTs as a new clip -- FirstLight is too clever for just copying the clip (it knows it is the same clip.) If the want to try out different look in FirstLight without undoing/redoing changes, there is the snapshot feature, side car feature, and best, the multiple database feature. Create you look, branch the database, change your look, then switch databases as needed to compare.