View Full Version : 10e Project Load Error
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 01:46 AM Hi Guys
Any ideas here???
I had a project that loaded fine and saved fine and since I added more media to the project and the only other thing I did was add a couple of lower third graphics and use wipe transitions so they appear neatly on the clip. Now it attempts to load the project and comes up with "Sony Vegas has stopped working"
I'm guessing a problem with maybe the lower third????
Any help or similar issues would be appreciated!! What I'm going to do is re-edit and save the project in stages and hopefully get to the stage when the last veg file gives an error..however any help would be appreciated if you have had this????
Error report is below
Extra Information
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\dx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\svfx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\dx_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\vst_grovel.log
File: I:\Peter\directsuccess.veg
Problem Description
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 10.0e (Build 738) 64-bit
Problem: Unmanaged Exception (0xccccfffe)
Fault Module: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Address: 0x000007FEFD42CACD
Fault Offset: 0x000000000000CACD
Fault Process Details
Process Path: C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 10.0\vegas100.exe
Process Version: Version 10.0e (Build 738) 64-bit
Process Description: Vegas Pro
Process Image Date: 2011-06-29 (Wed Jun 29) 04:33:50
Leslie Wand August 26th, 2011, 02:10 AM can't help much, other than to suggest you save incrementally with, say, a version number so when you do have a problem you don't loose too much info.
i'm certainly no expert, but i haven't seen a crash report with 'kernalbase.dll' before*. that said, i haven't had a crash in 10e at all so far. i had some slight problems with ofx plugins in 10 generally, but 10e seems to have cleared them up.
what are your lower thirds? media generated / png / psd?
*looks like it could be a bad call -
New Low-Level Binaries (Windows) (
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 04:58 AM Thanks Leslie
The lower third was media created but it did much the same again on a new project!! I have already done heaps of projects onj the 64 bit version without any issues at all. I'm wondering if the fact that ALL the other projects used 50i video and this one uses 720 50P video (so it's double frame rate) A kernal error does tend to point towards Windows rather than Vegas but I did shoot a wedding at 720 50P the week before last and had no issues on the XP machine and Vegas 10e 32 bit!!
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 06:11 AM RATS!!! I found the error and it was NOTHING to do with Win 7 or Vegas!! I essentially had the media from both cameras installed in two folders called CamA and CamB I renamed each folder and the project and generated media ran without issues!!
I then corrected the CamB folder (my cutaways) and reloaded without any issues. When I however renamed CamA folder (the main set of 21 clips) Vegas crashed on load !! So the error was in one of the video files. By a slow and painful process I renamed each file and loaded until I had isolated Clip 17 ..(it always has to be near the end doesn't it!!!) and re-copied Clip 17 from the SDHC card and all now is fine!!
Problem is now solved but what does concern me is that I shot this at 720 50P and all other commercial projects are shot at 1080 50i usually with never an issue!!!
Does anyone know if double frame rate progressive footage have a higher corruption or copy error rate that interlaced footage ... I have a wedding shoot in the morning here and don't really want to chance something that might do the same thing especially with a wedding where a re-shoot is impossible!!!
Leslie Wand August 26th, 2011, 06:39 AM glad you got it sorted.....
interesting shooting 720@50p. why, what's the benefit?
i've always used hdv and client avchd has always been at 50i or 25p - and i've never had problems in either long or short form.
Adam Stanislav August 26th, 2011, 06:43 AM File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\dx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\svfx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\dx_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\10.0\vst_grovel.log
And what do those logs have to say?
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 07:20 AM Hi Adam
The log files are clean with no errors!! Just been editing the project again and found no issues or errors so the file must have corrupted when it was copied from the card to drive!! I did 8 Realty shoots this week and they worked perfectly
Hi Leslie
Everyone tells me progressive is great and 50P makes much better slomo etc etc!!! I shot the last wedding in 720 50P and it wasn't visually any better than the 50i footage. Supposedly 720 does a better downsize to SD DVD but again I don't really think the average bride would notice!! The only tiny plus with progressive is that I don't need to let Vegas de-interlace progressive .... Can you tell the difference between 50i and 25P??? On my old puter I used to actually transcode down to HDV so the process could handle it!!
Generally I have always felt that interlaced is more common-sense and true video footage...Your opinion??? Is progressive such a big deal and really way better???
Adam Stanislav August 26th, 2011, 08:57 AM Well, at least it works for you again.
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 06:33 PM I'm absolutely mystified that a bad media file would stop Vegas from working!! I'm fairly certain that older versions wouldn't have just quit if you gave them a bad video clip!!
Very strange actually but also nice to know that you CAN get an error from m edia that you import into the editor and it's not a bug in the software. I wonder what can go wrong with a video file that causes a complete shutdown and kernal error !!!
Leslie Wand August 26th, 2011, 06:35 PM hi chris,
can't say i've ever noticed any difference, however, i rarely use slo-mo, and when i have haven't noticed any problems (not MAJOR slo-mo'ing though).
i've always work my own projects at hdv@50i and have never had any problems scaling to sd, and some of my artist clients would be the first to jump on me if there was a problem ;-)
ymmv, but i find vegas does everything quite nicely for me sort of 'automatically', so i've never found the necessity to use cineform (though i do use mxf sometimes), and certainly not rework material through third party software like tmpg (as good as they are).
i think many pro's get to a point where the technicalities of trying to get the 'perfect' picture seem to simply swamp the production. i've followed the many threads here and over on scs regarding the various encoding / decoding / i vs p arguments and experiments and to be perfectly honest, find them splitting hairs whilst the actual haircut looks terrific anyway....
Chris Harding August 26th, 2011, 08:37 PM Hey Leslie
I have wasted countless hours doing "test" DVD's using native and transcoded footage down to SD and whether I render an SD file from AVCHD, HDV or CanopusHQ/Cineform I must admit they all look much the same to me!!! I started HD about 4 years ago now and in fact my first season of weddings I was transcoding the AVCHD straight down to DV-AVI and editing in 720x576 and bride's were always delighted!!
The ongoing saga of which is better is purely due to the fact that we tend to be way too technically perfect and strive for perfection in IQ which the client seldom notices (if ever!!) If the content is good and the chroma levels adequate and it's all in focus then the client is happy....!!
Maybe striving for perfect HD to SD rendering is purely to be able to create forum topics??
Have a good day! I'm off to do a wedding shortly (in 1080i) !!
Thanks for all the help too !!
Leslie Wand August 26th, 2011, 09:57 PM 'ave a gud un!
i've mentioned this before (though which forum i'm not sure - age shall not weary them, but lost brain cells will certainly slow 'em down!)....
we all spend countless hours trying to produce the perfect video, worrying about the timing of a cut here, a colour shift there, an effect here, an audio glitch there, etc., etc., but what we can't control is what our audiences watch our labours (of love?) on!!!
i have visited friends, relatives, attended conferences and board room meetings where i have been APPALLED by what i've seen on screen. forgetting for a moment the tv's various settings (theatre, vivid, dynamic, etc.,), and the fact that they come out of the showroom / box preset to 'show-off' colour and contrast (that has no relationship to reality), there's always the fact that someone at some time might have had a 'fiddle' with the settings anyway, so it's more or less a given that whatever it's going to be screened on is NOT a broadcast calibrated monitor..... need i say more ;-)
Adam Stanislav August 26th, 2011, 10:48 PM I'm absolutely mystified that a bad media file would stop Vegas from working!!
I’m not. From what you have described, it would seem the respective codec was what crashed, not Vegas. The codecs written to the original VfW specification are kernel drivers, i.e., they work within the system kernel, so a bug in the codec can indeed cause a kernel error, which may even crash the entire system, so you are actually lucky it only crashed the current process (i.e., Vegas). More modern codecs, using the DMO specification and later, work at the application level, so Vegas itself would capture and handle the error, but Vegas has no control over kernel drivers, so only Windows can capture such an error and it handles that by stopping the current process (in pre-Vista versions of Windows you would just get the infamous Blue Screen of Death instead).
Nothing to do with the version of Vegas, unless the codec itself came with Vegas, which is unlikely.
Chris Harding August 27th, 2011, 11:25 PM Hi Adam
Thanks!! That makes perfect sense as the file placed in Project Media doesn't cause any issue..only when it's dragged on the timeline and played, does the problem occur and if you remove the file the problem goes away.
It's running fine now as I just re-copied the file from the card...must have been a bad copy to the drive!!
I am no longer mystified!! This does make a good idea to check all your media (or also copy it to a 2nd drive) before wiping the card!!! Luckily I have a decent card stock so I can afford to keep the cards from a shoot until the edit is all complete before re-using it!!!