View Full Version : Uneasy Setup

Cameron Poole
August 23rd, 2011, 08:16 PM
I recently figured out how to change my settings to import ancient home movie DV cassette footage from my old camcorder, however - I didn't get round to editing anything.

This week I have a small professional edit to do so yesterday I opened a new project, logged and transferred the new footage (SD card footage from my professional camera) and started editing. It was only when I did a slow motion shot that I realized the slow mo footage was awful when rendered, disturbingly jumpy.

On full screen there was a slight lack of sharpness and titles looked pixellated on close scrutiny.

I checked my settings which were were still on DV PAL 48Khz Anamorphic - So, I changed them to to Apple ProRes 422 but didn't know anything beyond that when faced with the endless list of drop down options.

Q1: How can I find out (from a previous pro project) what settings I used?

Q2: Do I need to open a new project in the ProRes settings and start this new video from scratch?

Q3: Will I need to not only change the settings and do it in a new project but change the settings in Log & Transfer before re-importing the footage?

Fortunately it's only a few seconds into the project and it's a small one anyway.

Help much appreciated.

Cameron Poole
August 25th, 2011, 04:22 AM
Okay, I know that the last project I completed was on the correct settings, Apple ProRes 422 something but I don't know which one of the many that appear in the drop down menu.

What can I do to find out?


Les Wilson
August 25th, 2011, 05:30 AM
Open the old project and do command-0 (that's a zero). That shows the properties of the sequence.

Use file-easy setup to select the characteristics of the sequence you want to work on and then create asequence. Copy the stuff you editted already from the dv sequence to the one you just created.

Cameron Poole
August 25th, 2011, 07:59 PM
Thanks Les, such a simple thing but it's done the trick. I've changed the settings to Apple ProRes 422 HQ HDTV 1080i 48khz and am re-logging and transferring from the PRIVATE file.