View Full Version : AVCHD Glitch

Stephen Mckendree
August 22nd, 2011, 07:37 PM
I'm sure this has probably come up in another thread so if I could be redirected or pointed in the right direction I would be extremely thankful. I just haven't been able to find a fix yet. I'm having a problem logging and capturing HVCHD footage from my GH2 to FCP(intelMac). Before I attempt logging capturing footage, I moved all files from the SD card to an external HD(firewire 800) in a folder I could easily find, once I start the log and capture process it takes a few seconds for FCP to notice the footage, once It does and I attempt to capture all, it usually starts off well enough but then some of the files after a transcoding attempt will appear to have an exclamation point inside of stop sign. Those files never make it in the bin. I'll close FCP and try again with different results. Sometimes it captures sometimes it doesn't. The real problem starts when editing. I'll edit for hours and save only to comeback reopen and not only find files missing(even though capture scratch hasn't changed and I've reconnected all files) but after I reconnect, some of the clips have now become duplicates of another clip and the clip numbers no longer match the clips they belong to and the entire edit turns a mess... If anyone could please help I would greatly appreciate it.


Michael Johnston
August 22nd, 2011, 08:55 PM
I have no idea how you are transferring footage to your hard drive but if you don't transfer everything exactly as it is on the SD card to the hard drive, FCP can't recognize the file structure and you'll get errors. My advice is to copy the SD card exactly as is without renaming anything and then using log and transfer. FCP needs more than just the raw AVCHD file to import. It also needs the corresponding files that are created and associated with the clip so if you rename anything it may not be able to find those files which leads to errors.

Stephen Mckendree
August 23rd, 2011, 06:51 AM
I did this. I copied all files from SD card to a folder I could easily find on the HD. Still getting the errors. The folder structure looks like this: Clients name Folder name (Mills) > contains "Assets folder", audio render, autosave capture scratch, fcp project, render, thumbnail, and waveform cache folder. Inside of the assets folder is where I copied the DCIM, MISC, PRIVATE folders from the SD card.

Robert Young
August 23rd, 2011, 11:29 AM
I've not used the GH2, but both my Sony and Canon AVCHD cameras came with file transfer utilities (Sony PMB, & Canon Transfer Utility) that make the import really bulletproof.
The utilities will transfer and integrate the metadata appropriately (for example, the imported clips will have unique file names that include the date shot).
Long clips that were divided in camera will be reassembled to a single file.
Import of files into the NLE, conversion of files to DI (Cineform, Prores, etc.), occur without any glitches...
If there is a similar transfer utility for the GH2, it might be worth giving it a try.