View Full Version : Help client import & transfer

Mark Ahrens
August 21st, 2011, 11:17 AM
I could use some help from you FX7 users.

I have an out of state client that will be shooting footage with a borrowed FX7 and will be sending me the footage on tape to edit.

Can you tell me if i will be able to play the tapes in my Canon HV30?
I'm thinking not . . . so, what is the easiest way for a novice client to digitize the footage at full res?
Assuming he's on PC.
Not sure if he'll have access to any Sony software disc that may have come with the camera - haven't checked Sony's website for any utility download yet.
I figured i'd go to the active users for input.
Thanks for any help.

Adam Gold
August 21st, 2011, 12:17 PM
Should be no problem. Canon and Sony use the same HDV protocol and the FX7 only shoots 1080i60. Your HV30 will play back the FX7 fine if both cams have properly aligned heads. The odds of a misalignment are no different than two identical FX7s. There's nothing in the design, in other words, that says they shouldn't play.

However, if you'd rather he do the capturing at his end, he should download the free HDVSplit app and capture the tapes that way. They will be m2t files. He can copy these files to an external drive which he can send you and you can copy to your internal drive and edit from there.

If he does get the CD that comes with the cam, it will have the Sony Picture Motion Browser utility, which isn't great but can be used for this purpose as well. But I wouldn't go to any effort to seek it out if not.

Mark Ahrens
August 21st, 2011, 12:59 PM
thanks Adam . . . music to my ears!