View Full Version : Recommend me some good website templates for weddings

Bill Edmunds
August 19th, 2011, 09:29 AM
For years I've used Dreamweaver to make my website, but I would prefer to go to an online website template. I've seen a few Flash ones, but I was told that Google doesn't link to Flash sites very well. Can you offer any recommendations?

Corey Graham
August 19th, 2011, 09:36 AM

I'd look into WordPress (WordPress › Blog Tool and Publishing Platform ( or — Get a Free Blog Here (, as it's the most flexible, secure, open source CMS you'll find. It's better than any other commerical CMS too. There's a wealth of free templates available.

Here are some other non-WordPress-specific template links that I dug out of my delicious bookmarks.

Free CSS Templates Solucija (

Free CSS templates - Download Free CSS Templates (

Open Source Web Design - Download free web design templates. (

Jeff Harper
August 19th, 2011, 09:46 AM
Templates are a great way to go. You might search for photography website templates. Your search might be "dreamweaver photography website template".

I got a friend of mine up in the top 5 in search results within 6 months, but it would certainly not have worked out so well with a flash based site. And while I have not followed my own advice "yet", I would recommend designing your site around using vimeo embedded videos, as they will show up on mobile devices that the built in flash player with dreamweaver will not. Just my two cents.

You do not need a wedding themed template, because your images and photos, video will speak to your subject. Templates designed for photographers, or even straight corporate templates work fine with some customization.

Paul Mailath
August 20th, 2011, 05:13 AM
try templatemonster

Chip Thome
August 20th, 2011, 08:57 AM
This guy has some good video centric ones.|Exceptional WordPress Themes (

Rodrigo de la Garza
August 20th, 2011, 11:37 AM
I've found that Wordpress is a super flexible and easy to start option with an easy learning curve. There are thousands of templates online that you can use (called themes for wordpress) and you set up an awesome looking webpage in less than a day.

If you have any questions or need any help with that let me know and I'd be glad to help out.

Chris Sgaraglino
August 20th, 2011, 04:40 PM
I'm very happy with iControl WebStudio.
Inexpensive, easy and fast. (

I built this in a day: (

What exactly are you looking for in a website?

Jeff Brewer
August 20th, 2011, 08:35 PM
I use ProPhoto Blogs High-end blogs, low-end price ( for my site. Spent over 100 hours learning and coding a flash site only to throw it out the window due to awful SEO. I knew it going into it, but the shiny things drew me in. SHINY THINGS!

Anyway, ProPhoto rocks and is way easy to use. I think brides come to a site expecting to see your work, then learn about you, and finally want to contact you. Everything else is candy coating. Enjoy!

Nigel Barker
August 21st, 2011, 11:44 AM
I'm very happy with iControl WebStudio.
Inexpensive, easy and fast. (

I built this in a day: ( grey text on a black background is not a wise choice for a website.

Nigel Barker
August 21st, 2011, 11:55 AM
I use ProPhoto Blogs High-end blogs, low-end price ( for my site. Spent over 100 hours learning and coding a flash site only to throw it out the window due to awful SEO. I knew it going into it, but the shiny things drew me in. SHINY THINGS!

Anyway, ProPhoto rocks and is way easy to use. I think brides come to a site expecting to see your work, then learn about you, and finally want to contact you. Everything else is candy coating. Enjoy!That looks quite nice but is pretty pricey as they are charging you $199 or more just for a WordPress theme when very nice themes are available far cheaper & even for free.

Chris Sgaraglino
August 21st, 2011, 02:28 PM
Unreadable grey text on a black background is not a wise choice for a website.

That's the bueaty if iControl; don't like the color, click a button and change it!!

Personally, I like the colors...