View Full Version : concat and frame size

Ben Hickson
August 18th, 2011, 03:29 AM
Will cineform concatenate mxf files from the nanoflash when it converts to MOV?

When i use xdcam transfer to convert to MOV so that I can concatenate with quicktime 7 prior to conversion, it gives me some strange frame size of 1888 x 1062? Am I losing resolution / framing? Will cineform recover the additional resolution when i convert from xdcam MOV to cineform MOV?


David Newman
August 18th, 2011, 11:30 AM
We don't concatenate MXF, but the converts result are accurate to the frame.

I've seen QuickTime mess up the resolution like that, but I'm not sure how HDlink handles it. Let us know.

Ben Hickson
August 18th, 2011, 11:41 AM
Ok thanks. Should I transcode in HDLink or Remaster? nanoflash -> MXF -> XDCAM Transfer -> MOV -> ConCatX'ed MOVs -> Remaster or HDLink? I'll let you know about the frame size thing.

What I'm worried about is that it took the 1080 (or 1088? what the heck?) file, cropped the corners off, then CF will end up stretching it to fill 1080p.

Ben Hickson
August 18th, 2011, 04:02 PM
Or hey, can I use ConCatX to concatenate Cineform MOV's? Then I could MXF -> CFHD MOV in HDLink and then concatenate those.

I need things concatenated so I can properly use the Merge Clips function in CS5.5 for my pluralized sound. It can't do more than one video file.

Ben Hickson
September 5th, 2011, 12:04 PM
anyone got any tips?

It's a giant project and I really don't want to do it two or three times.