View Full Version : Dvc #3, Game ON! FREE AGAIN!

Dylan Couper
August 24th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Ok, first a brief apology, I've been moving into a new house, and wrapping up a project with a client that I cannot wait to see the back of (did tonight, YAY).
Because of that, I haven't been working up the hype to DVC3, but now it's on guys and girls!

Ok, here's the rule changes. I hated the mandatory donation for entering. Made me feel dirty, but not in a sexy way.

The DV Challenge is now FREE to enter again, as it always should be.

However, if you want to donate to help cover the costs of running it (website, shirts, buying the judges beer) I'm happy to offer the following:

$10 donation - you get your name and website added to a list of people who donated for DVC3.

$20 donation - you get the above, plus a certificate of meritous acomplishment!

$30 donation - The DV Challenge t-shirt!!!!

If you donate more, well, we'll figure out something cool for you.

Donation prices DO include shipping, but if you live far outside North America, we might need an extra buck or two to cover long distance shipping, your discretion.

To cut off an inevitable question, the judges (except me) will not know who has donated anything, so there will be no question of favoritism. And me? Well, you can buy my vote completely if you can afford it, but I'm only 20% of the judging. :)

GO SIGN UP! What are you waiting for???
Email me at with the subject DVC3 SIGN UP - YOUR NAME, then go post in this thread:

Glenn Chan
September 11th, 2005, 09:21 PM
Dylan, a question for you:

Do the sponsors get the T-shirt?

Dylan Couper
September 12th, 2005, 09:36 AM
Dylan, a question for you:

Do the sponsors get the T-shirt?

Of course!

Glenn Chan
September 12th, 2005, 03:52 PM
What about your unconditional love?

Dylan Couper
September 15th, 2005, 06:26 PM
What about your unconditional love?

The first sponsor to send me a free XLH1 or HVX200 gets my unconditional love!