View Full Version : Black clips on timeline and in final render, any insight?

Ben Mahoney
August 10th, 2011, 06:18 PM
Hi everyone,

Sony Vegas 10.0e

Have been having issues with various edits. Usually on HMC footage but have experienced it on a few different cams. When editing a clip will sometimes turn grey on the timeline and when I put the cursor over it or play that clip on the timeline it is black in the preview screen. Sometimes the clip will appear fine on the timeline but then when I render the full video, some clips appear to be blacked out. It also is random clips not just one that may be corrupted or something. Have no idea how to fix this. Any insight would be appreciated. If you need more details just let me know. Thanks a ton in advance!

Leslie Wand
August 10th, 2011, 06:30 PM

sys specs?

what exactly have you got on the tl?

Ben Mahoney
August 10th, 2011, 06:35 PM
Just copied off my comp info

Windows 7 Ultimate

Intel core I7 CPU 950@3.07 GHz 2.66Hz
12.00GB of memory
64 bit operating system

90% of the time its wedding footage, happened on one commercial gigs footage as well, experiencing it on my other edit bays as well....

Let me know if you need more specs or anything. Thanks!

Leslie Wand
August 10th, 2011, 07:50 PM
well obviously your system upto it ;-)

hmc video?

what formats / stills are on your tl?

Ben Mahoney
August 10th, 2011, 07:54 PM
haha, hmc150 footage, then converted in neoscene,also does it on my nikon footage which are just avi's 720p 24fps

Leslie Wand
August 10th, 2011, 11:19 PM

if you're NOT heavy fx / cc'ing, i'd simply convert them to .mxf and play happily ever after.

i know there's a lot written about cineform, etc., but afaic i've had no problem converting 'odd' codecs to mxf, nor seeing any degradation that would have me in the least bit concerned.

Nicholas de Kock
August 18th, 2011, 12:37 AM
Ben go have a look at this thread:

I've been having the same problem but I've isolated my problems to Cineform I think, chime in we need to get support for this issues it's a huge headache.