View Full Version : Litepanel VS ePhoto test photos

John Carrithers
August 9th, 2011, 10:43 AM

I happen to have a Litepanel spot and flood and an ePhoto 1200 BiColor LED in my studio today so I shot some tests. The stills were taken with my 5D MKII, shutter 1/50, f/2.8, ISO160. I did two sets of tests. 1 had all three lights at 5600 lights at full power (in the case of the ephoto light it was full power for that color, meaning half of the 1200 bulbs were lit). For this test the color temp on the 5D was set to the daylight preset. The 2nd test had all three lights set to tungsten-for the litepanels I had the full CTO in the filter slot and the ephoto light had the color dialed to tungsten and had the other half of the 1200 bulbs lit.

Results...I'll let you decide. According to ePhotos description the bulbs in the 1200 are spot. To me they look somewhere in between.


Tom Morrow
August 14th, 2011, 01:46 AM
I see that mousing over the photos shows the filename which identifies which is which.

Thanks for providing this very useful comparison. It confirms my impression that ephotoinc makes lights about as good as litepanels for much less money.

Like most LED footage, these strike me as just a bit sickly in color. The ephoto ones a bit green while the litepanels a bit magenta. But overall very usable so long as you don't obsess on fidelity.

Pete Bauer
August 14th, 2011, 06:24 AM
John, what white balance / color temp settings did you use on the camera? Just curious since Auto WB might give different results than a fixed color temp.

John Carrithers
August 14th, 2011, 07:16 AM
I had the color temp set to the daylight preset on the 1st set and tungsten on the second. I never use atw unless I'm in a very odd color temp I can't figure out by dialing it in.

Regarding the green, I realized after posting that there was a protective film over the barn doors and body of the ephoto light the I didn't take off yet. This film had a green tint. Sorry, they were fresh out of the box.


Nicholas de Kock
August 14th, 2011, 07:27 AM
Thanks for the pics. The best test I find to see the quality of LEDs is with skin tones, likewise when you compare a tungsten bulb with LED light it's amazing to see how much more quality tungsten light has over LED's when comparing skin tones.

John Carrithers
August 14th, 2011, 11:31 AM
Lately I've been using a Diva400 with the flozier as a key for people. Depending on the environment I've used either daylight or tungsten bulbs. I've been trying out the LED lights as a return or to bring up backgrounds. What tungsten lights are you using?

Nicholas de Kock
August 15th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I've currently got the Arri 750 Plus lights, I use LED's all the time because I can battery power them but a friend & I did a test comparing tungsten to LED the other day and just by looking at the quality of the color in skin tones I was amazing how lacking LEDs really are.

David Aronson
August 20th, 2011, 02:33 PM
I actually like the ePhoto better than the Light panels based on these pictures. It looks to have a nice beam spread and be a little bit brighter. It also looks a lot more even. Also, the Light Panels look very minus green, although that can easily be fixed in camera or in post.