View Full Version : would like feedback/suggestions for this Music Video

Dave Morgan
August 8th, 2011, 04:09 PM
Music Video link - Untitled on Vimeo

<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;loop=1" width="647" height="364" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Viktor Bludov
August 10th, 2011, 10:40 AM
The video looks great, I could not find anything obvious to pick on.
If for my preferences then I would adjust the video to lighten up the picture in some scenes. See the screenshot.

And dont pay attention to the bottom, that's just my crazy notes.

00:00:29:00 Flower thrown out on the driveway FX is great
00:01:15:18 - 00:01:16:18 almost noticed your camera setup in the reflection, was going to tell you what you were using, thought i saw the on light so it's probably not a DSLR shot :) what is it?

00:02:29:00 - 00:02:32:00 nice FX animation with flowers is a nice touch, settle and not distracting, i did not notice similar thing on the right side till I played this part for the third time.

I'm not a big fan of the butterflies… maybe because it appears from and to nowhere and has cartoonish look and colors. the speed of main subject is slowed down vs animation speed.

Dave Morgan
August 10th, 2011, 12:29 PM
thanks! yea i agree on lighting up a bit. should i just use 'Levels?' I used a sony ex1 & 3 and a Sony a55 for some close up shots. we took out the butterfly's. the "field slow motion shot was shot overcranked to 48fps then slowed to the normal 24fps. Does that look in sync?

ill post an updated version later

or u can download it
