View Full Version : Printing HDV from Canon HV40 back to tape

Stan Harkleroad
August 6th, 2011, 07:59 AM
Would rendering my project as an M2T file and importing that back into Vegas work fine to be able to print a finished project to tape? My target frame rate for most is 30p. Some projects are 24p.

If that method is good are these settings right to use?
Output type: HDV
Frame rate: 24 or 30 with progressive field order chosen (Or do I need to choose 23.976+2:3 pulldown and 29.976 respectively?)
Level: High 1440
Bitrate: 25Mbps CBR
Video quality: Highest
DC coefficient: 10
Open GOP without "Write sequence end code"
Video rendering quality: Best

Stan Harkleroad
August 7th, 2011, 06:31 PM
So I rendered a couple files with these settings and tried to print them back with Vegas. One file would record back alright but the color on the lower half of the screen is messed up. The rendered file plays and looks normal on 2 different computers and I got the same results with 2 different Canon HV40's.

The other file Vegas won't even print back saying it's invalid.

Is there a simple program like WinDV that can record HDV M2T files back to tape?

Leslie Wand
August 7th, 2011, 08:18 PM

i might still shoot tape (even though i simultaneously shoot to a card recorder), but simply as an 'instant' archival process (can't remember the last time i actually captured from tape - other than for client jobs).

as for going back to tape, why on earth would you? stations wont take hdv tape, nor, afaik, festivals.....

just really curious....

Stan Harkleroad
August 7th, 2011, 09:17 PM
I have a couple projects that I want to put the finished results onto tape for archive. Some of it is a local singer who is auditioning for The Voice this year. I've recorded him a few times before in SD and am archiving his stuff in case his music career takes off. That way if he ever wants to use anything I've done I can give him a finished product on a tape. 5 years from now I might not still have the files sitting on a hard drive and a DVD might go bad.

Most projects I won't need or want to put back to tape but a select few I do.

Leslie Wand
August 7th, 2011, 09:51 PM
hi stan,

thanks for that - i understand a little better where you're coming from.

that said, i'd (and this is what i do for all my work) buy a few cheap ex usb hd's and store everything (raw footage, rough cuts, final edits, etc.,) on them.

i have a shelf or two of NEATLY LABELLED hd's. all clients have a dedicated hd to themselves, and ALL material is backed up to a couple of larger, stored off-site, hd's.

after 40 years i'm just about over laying back to tape ;-)