View Full Version : Hi from Perth, West Oz

Ron Windeyer
August 6th, 2011, 12:47 AM
Just a quick hello from a newbie..

I have been a recreational/family/holiday videographer for many years, having lots of fun with a Panasonic GS400. Just recently I bravely entered the HD world with a TM900 - I have to say that the quality and clarity are awesome! It took me about a month, but I now have the workflow down pat. That is thanks in no small part to a lot of stuff that I have read here and in other forums - thanks to everyone who has contributed their wisdom and experience! I look forward to learning even more, and maybe even sharing a bit.

Editing with Sony Vegas 10e and DVD Architect 5.2 on a Sony Vaio S series, quad core 2.4 Gh, 4 Gb Ram.

I am also a member of, and a fellow member of both forums, Chris Harding, recommended I look here, as the knowledge base was so extensive and the folk so helpful. He and I actually live about 5 minutes apart, and got together for a coffee just recently!

Anyway, as I say, that's me - looking forward to imbibing more of your experience and sharing some as I can.

Chris Harding
August 6th, 2011, 01:58 AM
Hey Ron

Nice to see you here and I wouldn't exactly call you a newbie in the video world..maybe on HD but plenty of experience on MiniDV... Ron still has his Panasonic GS400 !!

Since I only upgraded my Vegas 9.0 to 10 last week that makes be a newbie too with my NLE!!

With DVInfo, the nice thing is that when you ask questions, everybody helps!!


Ron Windeyer
August 6th, 2011, 04:31 AM
Thanks for the welcome Chris - I am also finding my way with Vegas 10; just upgraded from 8! There is a learning curve (things are in a slightly different place sometimes) but loving it so far!

Roger Brown
August 8th, 2011, 12:32 AM
hi ron im in esperance i also have the TM900 also GH1+ GH2 im useing avid studio though havnt had it long,will be off to cape levieque in october fishing trip will have a good chance to use my gear,are you useing your TM900 in 1080 50p mode?

cheers from roger

Ron Windeyer
August 8th, 2011, 06:52 PM
Hi Roger - yes I am using the TM900 in 1080 50P mode. The results are stunning! The workflow was a challenge, but I found that within Vegas 10 I can generate a Sony AVC MP4 file at 28 Mbits/sec; then export that file (wirelessly) to my PS3, which plays it happily. Hope that you can do something similar in Avid.


Chris Harding
August 8th, 2011, 08:31 PM
You guys are really lucky!! Such a tiny camera and it does 1080 50P!! All the fancy HMC's only do 1080 25P ..otherwise you need to go to 720 to get 50P!!! I'm envious!!!


Roger Brown
August 12th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Hi Roger - yes I am using the TM900 in 1080 50P mode. The results are stunning! The workflow was a challenge, but I found that within Vegas 10 I can generate a Sony AVC MP4 file at 28 Mbits/sec; then export that file (wirelessly) to my PS3, which plays it happily. Hope that you can do something similar in Avid.


the avid does 1080 50 though i have been makeing the vids 720 50p then burn to disc in avchd then put it in my bluray recorder and save a copy to the hard drive,the 720 footage looks excelet too,i see the new specs for AVCHD includes 1080 50 now to just wait for the hardware to play it :)

Bob Hart
August 13th, 2011, 11:31 AM
Welcome to the gathering. There's a good few from W.A. here nowadays and some of us over on the RED website as well.

You'll find good help and advice here. Any miscreants and recalicitrants get culled pretty quickly as this is a well moderated site, so you should have no negative experiences.

Roger Brown
August 13th, 2011, 04:39 PM
thanks for that bob