Gary Badgley
August 5th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Howdy, my camera is in the "shutoff" mode, meaning that it will automatically power off( after 5 minutes) both the camera and VCR sections in order not to damage the tape or video heads. I see that you can put it in the shut off mode and this turns the power off to the VCR but not the camera section. Does this mean that by putting it in this mode ie "VCR Stop mode" which evidently depowers the VCR section but not the Camera section, you can work on fiddling with the exposure and preset settings indefinetly without risk to the video or tape heads?
Chris Soucy
August 5th, 2011, 03:53 PM
Does this mean .............................?
It has other uses as well.
If you take a video feed off the camera using the composite port, you can feed that to any sort of recorder you like (LP VCR, you name it) and run the camera off the mains all night and day if you like, 24/7 and do no damage to the tape mechanism whatsoever.
Works great for wildlife shooting, though the composite video isn't what you'd call spectacular.
Gary Badgley
August 5th, 2011, 04:17 PM
Now, if I could just find a way to port what is in your brains directly into mine I'd be really happy.
Chris Soucy
August 5th, 2011, 04:31 PM
Ooh, don't know if that would be such a great idea, one heck of a lot of garbage floating around in there.
Let's stick to Q & A, might be safer - you just get the good bits!