View Full Version : Missing Canon XF Utility ? here is my trick

Cedric Pottier
August 3rd, 2011, 09:45 PM
For those of you like me who have lost their CD containing XF Utility, i wanted to share my method to transfert all the clips from the CF card to a single directory on hard disk.

open a command line window and type the following:

FOR /R h:\contents %a IN (*.mxf) do copy %a "f:\target_directory" /Y

where h:\ is the CF card and f:\ the external HDD.

you can then import all the directory containing your clips onto your NLE.

Hope this help !

Graham Bernard
August 3rd, 2011, 10:11 PM
Good ole DOS!

I still have my DOS primer. I almost understand your parameters.

Thanks for the "script". Is it called that? Or just a "command"?


Cedric Pottier
August 3rd, 2011, 10:23 PM
this is more simple than a script, i use it since one year now.
just a DOS command line.

it will copy all your MXF clips automatically to a single directory.

On windows, under "execute", type "cmd" to open the command line window.

Markus Oginero
August 4th, 2011, 01:21 AM
just another second trick:
Under Win-7 u can use the find-box right side on the top of the navigation-bar
there you just type in "mxf"

it will list all found mxf-files, it also list this files sortet
now you can simple copy them into a new folder.

Graham Bernard
August 4th, 2011, 01:56 AM
just another second trick:
Under Win-7 u can use the find-box right side on the top of the navigation-bar there you just type in "mxf"

I'm just adoring Win7, JUST for that facility. It's completely knocked the spots off of XP.

Is there any "other" info omitted/lost in that approach? Sounds straightforward.
