View Full Version : Bridesmaid with revealing dress; how do you cope.
George Kilroy August 2nd, 2011, 03:01 AM At one of the weddings last weekend the bridesmaids dresses had low but modest cut tops with a thin horizontal strap across the otherwise open back. One of them had obviously not been given, or had not taken, advice. Her bra was wider than the strap so was so much on show. Now this was not one of those sexy numbers that are deliberately worn for fashion or effect, but a purely functional garment in brilliant white so every view of her from the side or from the back shows it jumping out (not literally).
As I look through the footage it keeps annoying me whenever I see it. Now I'm not an obsessive over womens' underwear but I'm sure the bride's going to notice and say something. Can anyone advise a tactful way I can respond if she does?
Chip Thome August 2nd, 2011, 03:29 AM " I am terribly sorry for her appearance but because of her stature in the wedding party and her proximity to all the events being recorded, to abruptly edit those portions out of her bra showing would have bastardized the quality of the rest of your video. We considered doing a color correction to replace the color completely. But your dress and her bra shared the same color in our editor so your dress would have changed colors too."
George Kilroy August 2nd, 2011, 03:41 AM Thanks Chip, noted and ready to use.
Warren Kawamoto August 2nd, 2011, 04:13 AM If you saw it, I'm certain the bride and the rest of the bridesmaids saw it too. If it bothered the bride, she would have had someone fix it. She didn't, so I don't think it will bother her.
Philip Howells August 2nd, 2011, 05:03 AM George, I think this is where we fall back on our terms - we do not create the wedding, we record it.
At one of our recent ones the six bridesmaids were in identical dresses with a single shoulder strap. Unfortunately the design meant the strap was all but useless and the unsupported side of the dresses was continually slipping down and their contents coming out.
At another the bride's dress was obviously very expensive but equally obviously far too big for her in the bust department - though because she was generously proportioned, even Rubensesque, the rest of the dress fitter her perfectly. Consequently she was frequently "hitching up".
Whilst editing generally to minimise these type of faults we record it as it was. What else could we do?
Chris Harding August 2nd, 2011, 05:24 AM Hey Philip
Our wedding dresses here must have the same problem...brides and bridesmaids here seem to be constantly getting a good grip on the preformed bra section of the dress and giving it a good upwards pull!! I must have seen it in countless shoots!!
George ??? Warren's advice is sound..if the bride isn't concerned about it then she isn't going to worry about it in the video either.
Despite our own obsessions (or non obsessions) about ladies underwear as professionals we should always act in the most professional matter possible so that might mean having a quiet word with the "matronly" mother of the bride and ask her to see if she can adjust the bridesmaid's dress a little better so things are not falling out. We would probably get a swift slap if we tried to do an adjustment!!
Michael Simons August 2nd, 2011, 07:18 AM This falls into the category, "it is what it is".
David Barnett August 2nd, 2011, 07:28 AM George, I think this is where we fall back on our terms - we do not create the wedding, we record it.
Nicely put.
I had a bridesmaid with a similar story to yours, about always 'pulling it up'. Immediately when she stepped out of the limo, she pulls her dress up from the top area.. The bride never called me or questioned me on it.
Travis Cossel August 2nd, 2011, 06:08 PM Assuming you did your best to shoot around the eyesore, there's nothing more you should feel responsible to do. As Michael said .. "It is what it is". I would try to edit around it as much as you can and leave it at that. I wouldn't even bring it up with the bride.
Allan Black August 2nd, 2011, 07:04 PM +1 .. don't mention it.
Patrick Janka August 2nd, 2011, 08:50 PM I'll need to see the footage to state my opinion ;)