Andrew Carter
August 1st, 2011, 09:59 AM
Can anyone recommend a size of battery to go for? I've seen a few on ebay with around 4400 mAh. Will this last long, as I'm unsure at the moment how to work out how long it'll last for (jvc gyhd111e)
Bill Davis
August 1st, 2011, 02:16 PM
Like everything else, it depends entirely on what's important to you.
Obviously the larger the battery capacity the longer it will last.
But... if you want to travel with modern Lithium Ion batteries there's a point where battery capacity and current TSA regulations butt heads. (Check the TSA website for current rules.)
The TSA allows you to carry an "unlimited" number of "small" batteries in your luggage - small being defined as below a certain power threshold. Above that, you're only allowed 2 - and anything else must be packed inside checked luggage.
Also, the heavier the batteries, the more you risk going overweight when traveling. Overweight baggage charges are AWFUL these days. (up to $150 for ONE bag!)
If you're ONLY going to use these out of a home base - go for bigger and longer lasting. If you want the flexibility to take them on the road - be careful.
Hope that helps.
Don Bloom
August 1st, 2011, 03:12 PM
Along with what Bill satted, IIRC the JVC HD100/110/111 pull about 17Watts so a 71 watt IDX battery will run about 4 hours IF you aren't pulling anything else like an on camera light or receiver running off the battery and if you hit record and don't stop.
Most everyone I know with the older JVCHD cams uses the IDX 7 series batteries and like them a lot as well as the price being a lot less than Anton Bauer and IDX is a well known and respected name.
Don't know much about the ebay specials.
If you're looking at a 4400MaH battery then I would have to say it's not a Vlok but a battery that was standard with the camera when they hit the market and if that's the case I've read they ran about 30 minutes or so. If you go back thru the thread posted here related to the 100/110 I think there are some there that have a lot of battery info.