Tyson Yoder
July 29th, 2011, 01:16 PM
We are shooting Weddings with 2 Sony FX7s and Sony FX1 (backup). The Sony FX1 is my brothers and I am just borrowing if for awhile to use as a backup. I don't know much about DSLR's but I would love to learn. My question is, would it be a good idea to use a Canon T2i or T3i or something similar to use as a backup cam and play around with it and learn the basics of DSLRs during the next year. I would eventually like to switch to DSLRs sometime down the road.
Corey Graham
July 29th, 2011, 01:21 PM
Get a GH1 or a GH2 -- they make fantastic backup cameras. And the GH1 is very inexpensive, as far as cameras go. I use 2 GH1's during weddings and receptions. You won't be sorry!
Philip Howells
July 29th, 2011, 02:27 PM
Tyson, it also depends how reliable your main cameras are ie how important a back up for your FX7s the third camera is, because whilst a DSLR will give you new options it's not much good as a back up to an FX7 in the proper sense of the word. In your position I'd do a deal with your brother to take his camera along but not use it ie a true backup and buy the DSLR if you want that effect.
Tyson Yoder
July 29th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Well we did a Wedding acouple weeks ago and were just about done when my helper tried to take his tape out of his FX7 and it wouldn't eject. So while we shipped that off to get it fixed I ended up using my brothers FX1 as a replacement. So I really don't have a 3rd camera as a back up, I just used my brothers to replace the FX7 while it was down. What I would really like to do is use one FX7 locked down during the Ceremony, the other FX7 run by my helper and run and gun with a DSLR myself so that I could get close-ups and cut-aways. Any thoughts on this?
Philip Howells
July 29th, 2011, 06:57 PM
Tyson, assuming you're multicam syncing your two video cameras and you;'re happy to have to re-sync the DSLR every x minutes and also spend how ever long it takes to match the colours, the answer has to be nothing. All I would suggest is that those are substantial caveats.
Roger Van Duyn
July 30th, 2011, 07:30 AM
It's usually a good idea to stick with cameras all from the same manufacturer, if you can't afford the exact same make and model.
In my case, I can't afford the latest and greatest. I have a Canon XH-A1 for the main cam, and two Canon HV-30s as B and C cameras. Plus, when I go on single camera shoots, like when contracted for a football game or working for another production company, one of the HV-30s goes in the Pelican case with the A1 as a spare.
Plus, the HV-30s shoot in all the same modes as the A1, and play the tapes too.
If I were you, I'd find a good Sony consumer camera to match your FX-7. Unless you have the budget for something better. Maybe you can find a good used FX7 for sale?