View Full Version : SCCE pt.2

Markus Nord
July 28th, 2011, 02:32 AM
The 7D didn't preform that bad... I'm still happy with my choice!

The Great Camera Shootout 2011: SCCE ~ Episode Two | Zacuto USA (

Jon Braeley
July 29th, 2011, 06:59 AM
Unfortunately one very important video DSLR was missing ... the GH2.

This would have really toppled the applecart and give the AF100 and even give the F3 a tough fight.

Brian Brown
August 3rd, 2011, 09:28 PM
The DSLRs did fine on the dynamic range and noise tests, but failed (IMHO) on meaningful resolution (the shots of the spices) and moire (the lady's red dress). The inherent line-skipping/binning is no doubt to blame. This has been my findings after using a 7D in day-to-day production for the past 18 months.

The APS and full-frame sensor size is really overdue for a native HD video sensor. And Canon would be crazy NOT to make one. Panny must be seeing some kind of success with the AF100 for micro 4/3 lenses. And I don't even care if it has on-board audio, zebras, etc., I just want a moire-free experience. I'd be happy to cart around my 7D body for stills and the APS (or full-frame) video box. My glass is where the investment is.

Jon, I too would have liked to see how the GH2 fared. Can you mount PL glass to that body? maybe that was the limitation.

Bryce Olejniczak
August 15th, 2011, 06:45 PM
Jon, I too would have liked to see how the GH2 fared. Can you mount PL glass to that body? maybe that was the limitation.

The mount is the same as the AF-100. Anything that could have been mounted on the AF-100 could have been mounted on the GH2. Zacuto and Panasonic both stated that only cameras from "professional" divisions would be tested. This was a clever way to get around not testing the GH2... as it would have surely beat the AF-100 and equaled the F3 and FS-100 in both latitude and dynamic range.

There was absolutely no logical reason that the GH2 was not tested. Especially since they did the GH1 last year. I think the root of it is that all the industry guys in general don't like the idea of consumer gear being so close or better than professional products. I don't take advice from these nutty "professionals" anymore. I've come to realize that most of them are on vindictive agendas. It's a great time to be getting into the game... not so great if you've been making a living on simply "owning" better equipment than consumers. Any video/film/media jobs that are not specifically talent-based are going to start drying up as everyone will have access to equally advanced gear.