View Full Version : Features Question

Ron Osgood
July 26th, 2011, 06:25 PM
I'm new to the forum and apologize if these questions have been answered. I looked and couldn't find the answers.

Are there any custom buttons to store settings?

How difficult is it to access the gain setting in the menu? Two levels?


Silton Buendia
July 26th, 2011, 08:39 PM
There are assignable buttons on the LCD monitor, its very straight forward and works very well. Infact being that the camera is so small in a sense it works better then if there was and actual button or switch on the camera itself. You can assign 3 hot buttons on the LCD screen and once assigned they work quickly so you can make your changes and get back to shooting with out much of a delay.

Bart Walczak
July 27th, 2011, 01:28 AM
No custom buttons to store settings, three custom buttons on the touchscreen to store access to selected functions like gain, shutter, etc. So you can have gain access in two "touches", not necessarily going to menu itself.

Mike Beckett
July 27th, 2011, 03:03 AM
The Canon Xf100/105 is undoubtedly the way to go if you really must have custom buttons, it is festooned with them! I think there's 10 or more buttons that you can assign features too, a few of them are dedicated custom buttons too (rather than re-programming other buttons).

Having said that...

I find the NX70 has got it just about right. Everything I need is already available as a button, and the custom touch screen icons provide me with access to shutter speed, gain and white balance. (i think the NX70 is also smaller, and hence it can be more discrete).

The only things I find myself delving into menus for (during shooting) are:
- turning telemacro on/off (which isn't typically a run & gun requirement)
- turning steadyshot on/off

The menus are quite well designed. If you go into the Camera/Audio menu to fiddle with a setting, the next time you go to the Camera/Audio menu it has remembered what setting you last changed and takes you straight to it.

The only feature I really, really wish was available as a physical button is the steadyshot on/off, for quick configuration when I go on or off the tripod.

Bill Hollinger
July 27th, 2011, 05:42 AM
Mike, do you find there is a difference in image quality with the Steadyshot on or off when you use a tripod?

I wish the camera had external controls like the EX1R, but the only real issue I have is there is (apparently - I can’t find it) no exposure compensation control when I am using it in auto, so instead of being able to control the zoom manually, I have to manually control the aperture.

The other thing I miss is a more adjustable WB. The EX1R has three externally changeable presets, which is great when you are (for example) outside in sunlight, clouds, or shade. The GH2 has symbols for shade, clouds, sun, incandescence light, etc, plus you can quickly dial in a numerical color temperature. The 70U only has two of these preset symbols (sun and incandescence light). I find that very limiting.

Those issues aside, I love this little camera. It is small and light, I can use it in the snow, rain or for water sports when it gets splashed. The steady shot works amazingly well too.

Mike Beckett
July 27th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Hi Bill,

I haven't noticed a difference in image quality with Steadyshot (or Active Steadyshot) on or off.

I turn off the Steadyshot when on a tripod because it can interfere with the smoothness of the tripod motion, and introduce jerking, as well as drift back at the end of the pan or tilt. I'm not actually sure if it causes any jerking on this camera, but it does introduce the drift-back at the end of the movement.

My previous cameras have had preset white balances and two manual ones (A and B). There's only a single custom white balance setting on the NX70. Not a problem for me, but I can see how it could limit some people.

You're dead right; we can wish for all sorts of extra buttons and knobs on this camera, but the main thing is that it's small, robust and easy to carry anywhere.