Noam Osband
July 25th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I'm thinking of getting a Bogen 3066 head to work with my Panasonic HMC-150. I currently use a Manfrotto 503 head. Is the quick release interchange able? Will the Bogen 3066 work with my camera or is it only for ENG cameras? I'm finding it impossible to find good info on it.
Chris Soucy
July 25th, 2011, 03:45 PM
Hi, Noam...........
Don't think so.
The 503 uses the 501PL plate, which doesn't look anything like the one I can find that fits a 3066.
You could, however, whack a 577 adapter onto the slide plate of the 3066, which would allow you to use the 501PL on it.
As for the suitability of the 3066 for your particular camera, can't really comment as I'm unfamiliar with either the camera or the head.
Noam Osband
July 25th, 2011, 03:56 PM
Grrr......Apparently the Bogen 3066 is the same as the Manfrotto 116. Do you know the specs on that?
Chris Soucy
July 25th, 2011, 04:38 PM
From what I can find out by trawling the web, the 116 is something of a monster (as is its QR plate).
From memory (don't quote me on this) it has a fixed CB spring and will take cameras up to 20 kg.
I don't know how much your Panny weighs, but have the distinct feeling that matching it to a 116 would quickly have your upper torso looking just like the Governator, so hope you like working out.
Noam Osband
July 25th, 2011, 04:39 PM
I'm planning on attaching a camera and 18 pound teleprompter to the same tripod. hence the need for a big boy....
Chris Soucy
July 25th, 2011, 04:59 PM
Ah, well, that's a bit of a game changer, hadn't factored that into the original equation.
I can see why the 503 is out of the question.
As a matter of interest, never actually having seen one in the flesh, what, exactly, does the TP attach to on the head/ tripod?
Noam Osband
July 26th, 2011, 09:43 PM
not sure yet. it arrives later this week....