View Full Version : CRC checksums

Stephen de Vere
July 25th, 2011, 05:25 AM
What is the best Mac software to download my Nanoflash cards, backup, move video files in a reliable and exact copy verified way ?

Does eg. ShotPut Pro or ChronoSync really do a better/safer check of copies than the Finder or am I paying for all their other functions I don't really need ?

Robin Probyn
July 25th, 2011, 08:22 AM
Shot put pro is very good.New version 4.2 out now.For only $99 you get a very nice piece of software.. better than drag and drop.. and for sure more "peace of mind" factor.Can also download to multiple HDD,s at the same time too.Plus a report, so if you do have a problem you have some idea where it is.
Although not if the card wont mount in the first place as happened to me !!

Well worth the money I think.. tax deductible anyway..