View Full Version : 7.5 Set-up

Matt Helme
August 23rd, 2005, 02:59 PM
Can someone explain the difference between real 7.5 set-up and the"phony" 7.5 set-up built into Sony DVCAM. E-mail me off list at Thanks.

Glenn Chan
August 23rd, 2005, 03:26 PM
Matt, replies to your question should be posted in the forum so everyone can see the answer in case they have a similar question.


Adam Wilt's DV FAQ has an answer to your question.

DVCAM doesn't necessarily have "phony" setup. To check if your camera has "phony" setup:

Record with the lens cap on. Toggle the 7.5% setup setting and record again. Bring the footage into your editing system- if black level changes, it's phony setup.

Phony setup: I assume you are talking about the camera recording digital black level at 32 instead of 16. The correct units in that previous sentence may be Y' (not sure what the correct terminology is).