View Full Version : Henson + Suki highlight.. trying to capture the story by simplifying shooting style

Johannes Soetandi
July 19th, 2011, 10:06 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to share my latest work. This wedding was made successful by prayers from fellow dvinfo members in the other thread :)

I tried a different approach to my shooting style. I managed to avoid using glidecam and minimized the use of slider. This is because often times I am more concerned about getting 'cool shots', which distracts me from getting the main story of the day. For this wedding, I tried to concentrate on getting more of the story of the couple instead.. and it seemed to work well for me.

Would love to have your professional feedback and comments if what I did actually works. :)

Henson + Suki | Wedding Highlight | "Proud to be your husband.." on Vimeo

Chris Harding
July 20th, 2011, 01:44 AM
Nice edit Johannes!!! I personally do do highlights jumping from reception to ceremony and back to prep etc etc but you did a great job. I see you also handled the BellTower ceremony from the side (which is the only way to shoot it due to the huge amount of backlighting coming from the big glass barrier behind them!!

Even from the side your backgrounds were already blown out so imagine a front on shoot straight up the aisle!! The rain actually adds to the ambience of the wedding.
