View Full Version : More XA 10 Sample Footage

Robert Young
July 14th, 2011, 04:50 PM
There's a lot of XA footage online now, but here's my 2 cents worth.
For many projects I try to get the look I want "in camera" as much as possible.
This saves a lot of time in post.
These shots were intended to have vivid color and good image contrast.
I'm pretty pleased with the image controls available on the camera, even without yet tapping into the Cine image profiles & settings- a project for another day...
NOTE- the embedded video defaults to SD. To view in HD, click the grey "HD" button on the Vimeo Player, then click "watch this video in high definition"
Canon XA 10 Sample Shots on Vimeo

Gerald OConnor
July 14th, 2011, 05:06 PM
You may have to do a take 2 on the beach scenes not enough bikini's LOL very nice video. I would love to see the Islands someday. And the xa10 did very good.

Luis A. Diaz
July 15th, 2011, 10:46 AM
Hi Robert:

I down want to be critical or raise any flags but my XA-10 images are a lot sharper than the ones shown in your movie and I have not done any twigging with sharpness color or contrast.

Either that or Vimeo has done a terrible job in reproducing your content.

Is there a possibility to upload the raw individual MTS clip or various clips, rather than an edited movie to compare. Check my videos in Vimeo and on this post and you will see what I mean. Remember I have not done any twiiking on mine. What program did you use to edit those clips????

since the beginning of the movie I thought I was watching STD DEF, Very strange indeed.


Robert Young
July 15th, 2011, 11:30 AM
Luis- thanks for your observations.
The footage was edited in Premiere CS5.5.
The web encode was done from a Cineform HD.avi master file.
Personally, I'm never very impressed with the sharpness of web video anyway, particularly when viewing full screen- also my own encoding workflow is probably not optimal..
Anyway, in order to better measure the performance of the camera itself: I did export a 25 mbs Blu Ray version.
Viewed on a 50" HD TV the images are sharp; color, DR, image "pop" are all outstanding.
Bottom line for me- I feel confidant the camera is working as advertised and that it will meet my requirements.
I enjoyed viewing your footage.
I will be in China for a month myself, towards the end of the year.

Luis A. Diaz
July 15th, 2011, 11:33 AM
Hi Robert:

Ok I had to click the HD next to the word Vimeo on the timeline in order for it to stream in HIGH DEF and it makes a hell of a difference. I don't know why the HD is grayed out but when you click on it turns into blue and then it streams in HD. Completely differrent. Did you check HD before you uploaded????

If I were you I would set color to default as I think you are getting blooming in the colors, worst in the orange flowers of the tree. Try to download the raw files you will see a definite improvement.

Before I discovered the HD I was sure I was watching SD.


Robert Young
July 15th, 2011, 01:53 PM
Yeah... watching it in HD will make a big difference.
The file was encoded & uploaded as HD- not sure why you kept getting the SD version, but that would surely explain why it looked SD to you.
The Vimeo HD does look O.K. to me, but still a bit soft & mushy compaired to either the original footage, or the Blu-Ray. But, I think that's sort of the nature of web video- in my hands anyway.
I may cut back on the in-camera color a bit- I've only had the camera a couple of days, so I have a lot of work to do to refine my different profiles for different situations/preferences.
Thanks for your comments :)