View Full Version : footage from Mark II 5D

Marius Boruch
July 14th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Can I just import clips from Mark II 5D directly to Vegas 10e. and work on it or must it go through some other software (i.e. CineForm) first before being imported to Vegas. I am PC but I hear from Mac people that they must run it through some sort of software before importing it to FCP.

Marius Boruch
July 14th, 2011, 05:31 PM anyone using footage from Canon Mark II 5D??? if yes, what's the workflow with Vegas 10e (if any)

Robert St-Onge
July 14th, 2011, 06:41 PM
Just grab your 5D footage from your folder and slide it onto the Vegas 10e timeline, that's it!
Or you could use the import media from within Vegas....

No need for conversion!

Marius Boruch
July 14th, 2011, 06:59 PM
that's what I told Mac that easy in Vegas - just wanted to confirm....(they have to run it through some sort of "cineform" software - Iwas told)

Robert St-Onge
July 14th, 2011, 07:14 PM
Best of all Sony didn't even make a big buzz out of it when they released Vegas 10 and that was a total surprise for me.
Wasn't expecting that at all.

No need for Mercury engine like in Adobe Premiere and no background rendering or conforming.
And you can run it along with other type of footage as well.

And once again, some people will never believe it...

Marius Boruch
July 14th, 2011, 08:18 PM
that's why I am so disappointed with Sony; they created that great software [after years on Premiere I switched to Vegas and I am using it since version 4 or 5]...but they can not convey the message and compete in professional setting with FCP. I know it is hard to fight that "Apple" mania but having such a great product they should do more in marketing field. [not all professional editing is Apple].
They can't even convince Red Giant Magic Bullets to produce 64bit version for Vegas. Just imagine how powerful platform would it be with set of MB filters on 64bit PC.

Robert St-Onge
July 14th, 2011, 08:55 PM
I agree with you!
Mind you that MBL dropped Vegas...

You might want to check:

Sapphire Edge Plugins | Video Effects Software | VFX | GenArtsŪ (

Kind of an MBL alternative and it is 64-bit and has got transitions as well and will have a growing list of fxs on FX Central and turns out to be cheaper than MBL and not a render hog.

Chris Barcellos
July 14th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Though e. is great and will edit 5D footage natively, I actually still use Cineform. I shoot a lot of narative and will use teh Technicolor Cinestyle Picture Style, convert footage and then open it in Firstlight from Cineform and instantaneosly apply the Cinestyle adjustment. At the same time you can apply a .lut to your footage, again all of it instantaneously, and then open it all in Vegas, and go on with your edit in Cineforms ultra clean editing codec.

Robert St-Onge
July 15th, 2011, 07:16 AM
I did try Technicolor Cinestyle Picture Style, but I had a hard time focusing so I kind of put it aside, as focusing is pretty much the base but would like to see Firstlight from Cineform in action but haven't seen much on it.

My biggest concern is how much more do you get going with Technicolor Cinestyle, transcoding to cineform and then going in Firstlight?

I would love to see a side by side comparison in that matter.

Adam Stanislav
July 17th, 2011, 06:11 PM
Can I just import clips from Mark II 5D directly to Vegas 10e. and work on it

Yes, I recently got a 5D Mk II and had no problems importing it. I think I even made a test video on YouTube, ‪Another Mercalli 2.0 Test‬‏ - YouTube (, and of course I made it with Vegas.

Chris Barcellos
July 17th, 2011, 06:29 PM
Probably something you are going to have to test and judge with free downloads yourself. The attached grabs show an original frame of a video shot in Technicolor Cinestyle Picture Style (1). Note the bland look. The second (2) one is a grab from same shot but this time with FirstLight Input Encode set to Cineform's new preset set to CStyle. The final one (3) is a grab from Vegas time line with the same clip, still with encode set to the CStyle setting, but also with the CF-Filmstyle-4246 .lut selected.

Note for you CIneform/Vegas users. In order to get a near approximation of what you rendered output will look like, it is important to select the color correction filter in the Preview window while you edit, and set the color correct fitler to Vegas RGtocomputer preset. Then at time you render, you need to turn it off, or your render will be much contrastier and darker than your preview.

Harry Simpson
July 26th, 2011, 11:30 AM
Well I wish Sony had touted the fact that conversion was no longer needed ...... i upgraded to Cineform's latest since i thought I still needed it and spent most of my weekend crunching out AVIs from my MOVs!....argh.