View Full Version : Audio waveform in Enocre

Ron Evans
July 10th, 2011, 03:28 PM
Is there a way of showing audio waveform in Encore ?

Ron Evans

Bart Walczak
July 10th, 2011, 05:11 PM
Unfortunately, no.

Ron Evans
July 10th, 2011, 06:22 PM
Just upgraded to CS5.5 Creative Suite so thought I would try Encore again. Now I know why I use DVD Architect !!!

Ron Evans

Bart Walczak
July 11th, 2011, 05:03 AM
Out of curiosity, what do you need audio waveform for?

Ron Evans
July 11th, 2011, 05:59 AM
It is easier to set chapter points at audio events like the start of music for a dance or just before a sound effect in a theatre show. This is easy in DVD Architect to expand the timeline set the chapter mark then preview and confirm the position.

Ron Evans

Andrew Smith
July 11th, 2011, 06:45 AM
Why not set DVD chapter markers from your timeline in PremierePro? It's so much easier and the information will make its way through to Encore. And you get to see the waveform in all its glory.


Ron Evans
July 11th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Because I don't use Premiere Pro I edit in Edius.

Ron Evans

Andrew Smith
July 11th, 2011, 07:27 AM
Pfft! <grin>

The bad news is that you're doing it all wrong.

The good news is that you can currently upgrade to the full creative suite for video production for 50% off (, thanks to the whole FCPX shenanigans.

Andrew :-P

Ron Evans
July 11th, 2011, 08:27 AM
Yes that is what I did. Just loaded up the full suite. My main reason was to upgrade my Photoshop and get AE etc which I didn't have. Much prefer Edius for editing, faster and has a much better multicam that I use all the time. Edius and Vegas work well together which is my prefered combo. Just thought I would try Encore again. I export a HQ file from Edius and do final audio in Vegas and there I do set my markers which go into DVD Architect BUT DVD Architect still has audio waveforms in the time line too. Nice to have lots of options but for now will stay with Edius for editing.

Ron Evans

Marty Baggen
July 11th, 2011, 08:31 AM
Ron.... Edius is a nifty software for sure.

You may want to consider mapping your chapters in the Edius timeline, then outputting individual clips.

Encore will play them seamlessly when linked one to the next, and as separate clips, you have easy chapter points.

Ron Evans
July 11th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Well with Edius V6.03 and my Sandy Bridge motherboard I can output a 2 hour 23 min dance show to Bluray AVC file in 1 hour 10mins that goes straight into DVD Architect takes me maybe 30 mins to set/name chapter points and bring in JPG's for backgrounds and DVD Architect will auto create menus for me just like Encore. It will then create an iso image in about 20 mins. The only thing I would like is pop up menus which DVD Architect will not do at the moment, maybe next release !!!! I will try out of interest to set chapters in Encore and create menus in photoshop etc. But it is clearly a much longer process. Will report back when I have had a try to assess times etc excluding my learning time of course.

Ron Evans

Vito DeFilippo
July 11th, 2011, 11:03 AM
Ron, I find adding chapter markers in Encore pretty quick and easy with the keyboard shortcut * (shift-8). I immediately move the cursor to a nice frame for that chapter and right click the chapter. Choose "set poster frame" and that frame will automatically be used as a thumbnail in your menu.

Also, instead of importing jpegs, you can navigate to whatever frame you like and choose "timeline/save frame as file" if you want to choose background images right from Encore.

Any time I make a menu I like in Encore, I save it as a template. Then I can reuse them for new projects, with small changes like background, or button names. So for me, chapter marks and menus in Encore take about 30 minutes like you are experiencing in DVD Architect.

Ignore me if this stuff is already obvious to you!

Ron Evans
July 11th, 2011, 11:28 AM
All input welcome. I have quickly set the chapter markers not as easy as if one can see where to start but reasonably quick. Now I am learning how to get the sort of menus I like. The last time I used Encore was when I got CS3 so it was some time ago.

Ron Evans

Vito DeFilippo
July 11th, 2011, 11:39 AM
... if you want to choose background images right from Premiere.

Any time I make a menu I like in Premiere...

Sorry, I said Premiere a couple of times when I meant Encore. I don't use Premiere.