View Full Version : Remove a photographer from a shot in post!
Andrew Waite July 8th, 2011, 05:51 PM Have you ever had your shot ruined by a photographer, waiting staff, guest, or anything else for that matter? Would you like to know how you can fix it? Photographer Removal on Vimeo
Check out the IN[Focus] blog @ Removing Distractions | IN[FOCUS] ( and learn how!
Ethan Cooper July 8th, 2011, 06:41 PM Reshoot empty church, mask left half of shot. Motion track new shot to match movement of old shot? Charge an extra $500.
**EDIT** Oops, didn't notice the priest missing from the fixed shot. Either you masked 2 areas or I'm just wrong.
Joel Peregrine July 8th, 2011, 06:47 PM Shoot it tighter maybe?
Have you ever had your shot ruined by a photographer, waiting staff, guest, or anything else for that matter? Would you like to know how you can fix it? Photographer Removal on Vimeo (
Check out the [IN]Focus blog @ and learn how!
Philip Howells July 9th, 2011, 12:21 AM I would say that removal of the photographer in this instance is rather unfair since he seems to be the only guest on the brides's side.
Chris Harding July 9th, 2011, 12:34 AM It's either a very big Church or there are not many guests upfront...almost looks staged...I must admit that I normally leave the photog in the frame anyway as he has to be somewhere to shoot the bridal entrance..I also (as suggested) use a much tighter shot especially if the rest of the Church at the rear was so empty..I think the bride actually expects the photog to be there anyway...he is part of the wedding especially in a small and full Church!!!
Colin McDonald July 9th, 2011, 01:05 AM I would say that removal of the photographer in this instance is rather unfair since he seems to be the only guest on the brides's side.
I was just about to suggest that rather than removing anyone from the shot, it might be better to add in a few instead.
Nigel Barker July 9th, 2011, 04:56 AM Photographers can go to great lengths to prettify their images by removing skin blemishes, ugly signs, trees growing out of heads etc but I don't think that many videographers would go this far to 'improve' their images. Apart from it being a lot of extra work it seems unnecessary & even unethical to re-write history by removing a photographer who was part of the wedding.
However we could offer green screen fantasy weddings for those who would like to celebrate their nuptials on a beach in Hawaii or in Westminster Cathedral.
Don Bloom July 9th, 2011, 05:02 AM Nigel,
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day (yes I have 1 or 2 friends) ;-) about that very thing. Shoot the entire wedding on green screen and offer them whatever background they wanted. Paris, Milan, suburbs of Chicago...have to be a smallish wedding party since I only have access to a 10 foot wide screen but with a little squeezing I think I could get 4 or 5 people in it. Charge a ton of money do 3 or 4 a year....hmmmm
Nigel Barker July 9th, 2011, 05:07 AM Have you ever had your shot ruined by a photographer, waiting staff, guest, or anything else for that matter? Would you like to know how you can fix it?
Check out the [IN]Focus blog @ and learn how!That URL is malformed. It should be Removing Distractions | IN[FOCUS] (
Giroud Francois July 9th, 2011, 06:26 AM There is a software done exactly for that purpose : MOKEY
Andrew Waite July 9th, 2011, 09:34 AM Actually there where over 200 guests, it's just a very big church and due to restrictions by "the church lady" my second shooter who happen to by Loyd Calomay, was stuck in that spot. However, we followed the rules and the photographer did not... He moved around all over the place while we obeyed. As a result, this was the only shot we ended up with the bride walking down the isle where you can see her face. There is no "rewriting of history" going on here... We simply took about 9 minutes to make the only shot we had of the bride coming down the isle a little nicer.
Michael Simons July 11th, 2011, 06:30 PM Andrew, you might be opening a can of worms. Next it will be "remove this bridesmaid, I'm not friends with her anymore".
Vito DeFilippo July 11th, 2011, 07:42 PM Nice tutorial. I kept expecting a boom mic to enter the frame at the beginning to distract us from you telling us about distractions....
You got me good with the FCPX joke at the start. Snorted beer out my nose.
Andrew Waite July 11th, 2011, 11:32 PM Boom mic! That would have been great! I was actually thinking about bumping the tripod a bunch during that part or letting the tripod slowly tilt down gradually cutting off my head or something. :)
John Knight July 12th, 2011, 04:03 PM Imagine 2nd marriages of the future! Just photoshop out husband #1 and paste in husband #2!!! Like the Arnie movie, Total Recall.
Stephen J. Williams July 16th, 2011, 07:26 AM Andrew, you might be opening a can of worms. Next it will be "remove this bridesmaid, I'm not friends with her anymore".
lol... I just had something similar in my last edit. except, luckily it was just a guest.