View Full Version : HM100. Camera on, No picture

Lisa Strong
July 8th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Turned on the camera this morning, and the screen was black - no picture, although the regular display items were on. Uh... Turned it off/on. Detached battery, reattached. No picture. Wrote to JVC. They said try waiting 10 minutes before reattaching battery. Did it. Still no picture. I tried shooting, and resulting file also was just black image. Audio works fine. Anything else I can try? I do have back-ups, but they are clunky. I'm currently shooting on board the research ship Atlantis on an expedition with the ROV Jason. Would really like to have my primary camera functioning. Ideas would be welcome!


Chris Soucy
July 11th, 2011, 12:22 AM
Sorry about your predicament.

Have you tried taking off the lens cap?

Sorry again, but it happens so often............I know, I've been there myself!


Jordan Hooper
July 11th, 2011, 06:45 PM
If it's not the lens cap, try switching to 720p if you're in 1080p, or switching to 1080p if you're in 720p which makes the camera reboot.
Do you see a picture in the eyepiece, as opposed the the LCD screen?
If I remember, there is some setting that allows you to intentionally turn off the LCD or eyepiece, or maybe both. Check that.

Cliff Totten
July 29th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Your iris might be stuck closed.

Mine had a problem where it would "stick" wide open and then when you went to close it up, nothing would chanf untill around F6, then it would simply "slam" fully closed.

JVC in Cali replaced the entire lens assembly.


Lisa Strong
September 5th, 2012, 04:51 PM
Oh! I just came across my old post while searching around for something else. It's a little late now, but I thought I would complete the story and post the outcome. My camera never started working again on the expedition. I had to go for the back-up. Back on shore, I shipped it to JVC. Their diagnosis: It needed a new optical block. Replace or return? While I asked, I never got an answer about why it broke down or how I could prevent such a problem in the future. I told them to replace it. It's been working fine since, though it was also working fine before it just stopped working last year while at sea on a research ship. Moral of the story for me, the backup plan is not just a thought experiment.