Alan Maughan
July 4th, 2011, 10:32 AM
I would appreciate any feedback, dont hold back as Im keen to learn!
Chris Westerstrom
July 8th, 2011, 03:46 AM
nothing wrong with it at all, but it's shot with some pretty standard 'eng' style compositions.
I'd say have a little more fun shooting and try some more fun angles.
For your scenery shots, find something in the foreground.
Also, you seem to have shot on a flat lit day, which is good, but you might want to enhance some of the colors in post.
but like I said, you made a coherent film on your first try so kudos to ya
Mark Andersson
July 8th, 2011, 03:54 AM
Nice work.
Just a little tip and if you can afford it, buy yourself a fader ND filter. This will allow you to shoot outdoors in bright sunlight with a wide open iris.
Also dont listen to all the recommendations of shooting flat i.e blacks, sharpness, color etc right down. Shoot to 90% of what you want to achieve in-camera and if you need to tweak it will be a minimal process.
What lens or lenses are you using?
Alan Maughan
July 20th, 2011, 05:29 AM
Sorry for the delay guys, Ive been away on a trip.
The lens is a Sigma 18-250 USM. As far as settings go Im using the standrd option as I dont understand how to enhance these in post at present. As for funky angles I have recently added a GoPro to my kit and have tried shooting the 7D from different angles with some interesting/good results.
I have also recently bought a vari-ND so have tried shooting a bit more open.
Thanks for your input so far.